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You looked over to your second monitor and clicked on the SMP discord, you clicked onto the Voice Chat 2 channel and you were in, on the voice channel with a 16-year-old.

"WOMAN? DID THE WOMAN JOIN!" Tommy screeched, "Yes, the boobie beholder did join." You replied, "Y/n-" Dream said, "MAY I GIVE YOU A TOUR AROUND L'MANBURG?" Tommy loudly asked, "I already gave her a tour, Tommy." Dream replied.

Tommy already found your Minecraft character and started to punch it. He wasn't wearing armor and Dream was on his way back. 

<Tommyinnit was slain by Dream using [NOT penis]>

"Hey! What the fuck was that for!" Tommy exclaimed, "Oops" Dream laughed out.

"Y/n, take his armor." He picked up Tommy's diamond helmet, diamond boots, netherite chest plate, and netherite leggings, then threw them toward your character. He sorted through the rest of his stuff but there wasn't anything good.

"Give me back my stuff, y/n!" Tommy yelled. "Nah, get your own. This is mine now, and don't try to kill me for I have Dream as a bodyguard." You said.

"Simp," Tommy said in a calm voice.

<Tommyinnit was slain by Dream using [NOT penis]>

"HEY!" Tommy gave a reaction by saying. "I'm not a simp." Dream calmly implied. "Ehhh, you kind of are." Tommy blathered.

A ding noise came from the discord call implying that somebody had joined the call, "AYYEEEE TUBBO!" Tommy shouted, "Hello." Tubbo seemed more, gentle than Tommy. I guess opposites as friends really do fit well.

"Hey, Tubbo! I haven't talked to you for a while. How are you?" Dream questioned, "Oh, I'm doing good. Thank you." Tubbo responded. "Oh- Oh, hi Tubbo, we haven't met before but I'm y/n." You said.

"Hey y/n! I like your name." Tubbo said.

The four of you just played around in L'manburg for about an hour before you got tired, and wanted something to eat. "Well, it was nice meeting... one of you, but I'm gonna go now. Bye-bye!" You then left the discord call. 

You went to your stream and said goodbye, then ended that as well. You heard Clay leave the VC too and so you went into his room and sat on his lap facing him. You hugged him, "I'm hungry, and all you have is pop tarts." You muttered.

"I can order something if you'd like?" Clay replied, "Mk, but you can choose, I just at least want fries." You added.

He got onto his phone and opened the GrubHub app. He ordered something, but you know he remembered fries. 

You waited downstairs petting Patches, she purred as you pet her head. Clay walked down-stairs now missing a shirt. "Where did your shirt go?" You asked, "We live in Florida, y/n. It's hot outside."He added.

"Well, you do know that you can change the temperature in here, right?" You asked,  "Well yes I do know that, but you're blushing. And blushing you is cute." He told. 

You didn't even know you were blushing, but I mean. Who could blame you, Clay is hot without a shirt on. You started to think of certain... things... that the two of you have done.

"What're you thinking about, princess." Clay teased, "Oh shut up Clay.." You covered your face with your hands, you were embarrassed. He came and sat beside you on the couch, patches got up and ran to who knows where.

He pulled your hands down and threw one of your legs over his lap. You were straddling him, "C'mon, Princess. Don't hide your beautiful face from me." He whispered in your ear. You pulled your hands down again, he kissed you. 

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