𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐘 | 𝟏𝟗

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Well, tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Meeting up with Clay's entire family, with Nick of course. I started to overthink, "Clay, what if they hate me. What if I changed too much and they don't like me anymore?" I started to ramble to him, I know it's not that big of a deal, but it's his family.

My boyfriend's family.

If I mess one thing up.. well then it's done. I've met his Mom again just a few weeks ago, she liked me. But what if I mess something up introducing myself to his dad, hoping he can remember me from when we were kids.

Clay came behind me and hugged me, kissing the top of my head. "It's no big deal, my sister's love you, my brother used to literally have a crush on you. My mom loves you, and my Dad probably still remembers you and he'll love you too. It's okay." Just by him saying 'its okay' is relieving.

"Thank you, Clay." I smiled, taking in the smell of him. "No problem, baby." I blushed at the pet name. I went to his closet and took out one of his hoodies, he rarely washes them unless something gets on them so it still smells like him, comforting.

I slipped on some shorts since we didn't really plan on doing much today. Walking downstairs, I almost stepped out Patches and tripped down the stairs, as much as I love Patches. I almost never watch where I am going, so it's an incredible inconvenience to have a small animal walking around the house.

I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch, opening up my phone. I went onto Twitter since I haven't been on there for about.. a month.? (LMFAO SAME BUT WITH WATTPAD)

Scrolling through all of my notifications, only a few stood out to me. Dream, George, and Sapnaps weird.. horny tweets. And the ship-art of Dream and I's Minecraft characters. I've seen other ship-art that was with Sapnap and me.. I don't really know about that one. But I liked the few fanarts that had Dream and I in it.

And what did I know, of course, people almost instantly found it by looking through my liked. And there goes all the tweets and tiktoks about us again, I don't mind really. It makes me feel more famous by the thousands of mentions I get on each app.

I walked into the Kitchen, where Clay was feeding Patches, and showed him the ship-art. He smiled, taking my phone. "I was getting tired of the DNF ones." He laughed then set my phone back down on the Kitchen island.

I then set myself on the Kitchen island, sadly.. horny. Why the fuck am I always horny. I started to tap Clay's shoulder, wanting attention. He set Patches food bowl back onto the ground where she would usually eat. 

"What?" He asked, clearly confused. I blinked, thinking how I could say this without sounding weird. I furrowed my eyebrows, mad that he couldn't read my mind and tell. "What- Did I do something?" He questioned.

"No, you didn't. I'm just mad.. and uh- just mad that you can't fucking read my mind and tell what I want." I rolled my eyes, smiling. He put his hands on my thighs, rubbing small shapes with his thumbs on each. "Why can't you just tell me-?" He asked.

"Well, I'll probably sound weird saying it." I leaned into him, at his neck and started to kiss it. Trying to signal what I want. "Oh, that." He put his hands on my waist, slowly pulling up my shirt so he could touch my skin. 

He rubbed circles on my skin with his thumbs as I continued to kiss his neck. He leaned his head to the side to give me more room. He pushed my head to the side and started to work on my neck, kissing, and sucking on areas.

Until Nick walked out. "Wrong time, got it." He laughed and walked back to his room. God damnit. Clay shrugged and turned around, starting to do the dishes. "I'm going to kill him." I hopped off of the counter.

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