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(btw the song has nothing to do with this chap I just find the song funny)

I woke up, strangely early. It was about 6 in the morning. I walked into the living room to see if Karl was still asleep, he was. My flight was at 2 in the afternoon. That's still 8 hours.

I walked into his kitchen, having the urge to cook. I looked in his fridge and brought out the eggs. I got the bread, and a bowl, some cinnamon, and sugar, and milk. I cracked 6 eggs into the bowl, then mixing them.

I put a few splashes of milk into it, then sprinkled some cinnamon and sugar into it. Mixed it and got 6 pieces of bread to prepare. I got out the griddle and put it on medium. I sprayed it with nonstick spray.

I took a piece of bread and coated it with the mixture I previously made and put it on the griddle. I repeated with the other 5 pieces of bread, flipping them to the other side as they finished cooking on the other side.

Karl got 3, and I got 3. Somehow he wasn't awoken by the smell of french toast, but I guess I will wake him up then. I walked over to him and flung off the blanket, and started to shake him. "Wake up stupid!" I yelled at him. He woke up squinting his eyes at the sudden awaking.

"What's that smell?" He slowly sat up. He looked at the kitchen counter and saw two plates, "Did you cook something?" He asked, standing up and ruffling his hair. "Yes, Karl. I did, I made some french toast for us." I started to walk over to the kitchen island, getting the syrup, and butter.

I put a small square of butter on them and poured syrup on them. I got 2 forks, one for me, and one for him. He was already sat by his food, preparing it to his liking. I gave him his fork and poured the two of us some of the chocolate milk he had in his fridge.

"This is delicious, thank you." He sounded awake now, "I know it is, I made it." I remarked, laughing a bit.

We finished breakfast and then I had to go home and spend the last of my time with my family. I hugged Karl and gathered my stuff. "Bye-bye, Karl. It was nice seeing you." I said as I stepped out of his car, walking up the pavement leading to the doorway of my sister's house.

I knocked on the door, it was about 8:30, she's usually awake at this time. She came and opened the door, looking like she had been awake for 5 hours. Fully awake. "Hey, Y/n!" She embraced me in a hug.

My sister and I spent the rest of our time together just watching movies, and playing games. We didn't do much exciting. We prepared my stuff an hour previous to my airplane flight. The house wasn't too far from the airport, but we just wanted to be safe.

I made sure she didn't see any of my special things because I packed them at the bottom of the suitcase. Yes, it's embarrassing going through baggage check, but I just ignored it. I was sitting down at a bench, eating my bagel that I just got from a random coffee shop.

The airport speakers had announced that my flight was about to depart. I got up, turned off my phone, and got my suitcase. I was about a minute from my airplane so it didn't take long to get there. I got a back seat, which was okay because of the fan behind your head, but there's not much foot space. 

I pulled out my headphones and decided to listen to some music, hoping to fall asleep. I succeeded in falling asleep. We arrived in Florida. 

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