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We walked into Sapnap's room and decided to finally do his stream. I pulled in two chairs so that we could all sit near the PC setup. Sapnap set up the webcam to show him, "Been a while since you've done facecam, huh?" I looked over.

He looks different- way different from the last time people saw him. "Yeah, it has been." He smiled over. He checked the camera angles to make sure that it only showed the two of us, and not Dream. "Alright, now to just start it." he made the subject 'Just Chatting' and named it 'With y/n and dream :)' and started the stream.

Loads of people started to pour into the stream, we waited for the notification to send out before we really started to do anything. We weren't planning on playing any Minecraft, or just any game in general. We just wanted to catch up with Twitch for a bit.

Once the notification sent out and was ready to go, we started to talk. "Hey guys!" Sapnap smiled.

3ggn0l0gy donated $3!

"Oh uh, thank you.. Eggnology for the three, and Dream is right here." He pointed beside me. Clay moved his hand into camera view and waved. The chat started to spam 'WAIT HE'S ACTUALLY THERE' and things of that sort.

"Hey." Clay said loud enough for the mic to pick up. He set his hand on my thigh and started to calmly rub it, not for any sexual reason. Just for comfort, he could probably be nervous that the camera could pick up his face at any time if it just moved to the left in the slightest.

"People are asking for a hair reveal." I laughed looking at Dream, his hands were big enough to cover his whole face so he did so and got into camera view. "Never again am I doing that." He laughed.

"The amount of fanart that you are about to get." I laughed. He rolled his eyes.

We continued to stream for a few more hours, just genuinely talking. Nothing special, well until this one dono came in.

Kusinocxi donated $10!
the hand on y/n's thigh 😶😶👹👹

I looked at where the webcam can show, and there was his hand. "Not yall actin' like this is anything new." I laughed. Sapnap shook his head and Clay's face had a slight blush on it.

"Well, I think I might end stream now." He looked over at us, basically asking for approval. We shook our heads, and he waved to the camera as I did. And ended it.

"Well, that was fun. Your chat is wild. My chat is just...- Horny." I laughed as I stood up, walking toward the door. Clay and Nick stayed, assumingly that they would just talk to each other, catch up.

From what I overheard, they were catching up. But Sapnap met a girl, aw, that's cool. He's talking about her so sweetly. I feel like a parent excited for my son to get his first real relationship.

I walked downstairs and ordered some Grubhub. I got McDonald's, just getting a McDouble and Large fries, for the three of us. About 20 minutes later there was a knock on the door, I grabbed 20 dollars from my wallet and walked over to the door.

I paid, as usual. And took the bag and set it on the coffee table. I picked up Patches and pet her on my way to Sapnap's guest room. "Hey guys, I got some food for us so c'mon." I smiled, "AWH! PATCHES AND Y/N!" Nick yelled, pouting out his lip.

"We're the cutest one's here." I rolled my eyes, walking back downstairs and taking out my Fries and burger. Pushing the bag to the side for the two of them. They came downstairs laughing, I smiled at them.

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