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!!tw: alcohol!! 

I walked out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself. I looked in the mirror, "How the fuck did you manage to get a hickey that fucking dark so visible on my neck?!" I got closer to the mirror, looking at the purple spot on my neck that wasn't there beforehand.

"Magic." He stepped out and wrapped a towel around his waist. He stood behind you and smiled, "We look hot." He continued smiling,  "Yeah, we do. Don't we?" I tilted my head.

I laughed and walked out of the bathroom, then instantly walked back in. "What the hell do you expect me to do with this? Nick will never shut up about it once he sees it." I rubbed my neck. "Well, make-up?" He questioned, "Do you not see how dark that mother fucker is?" I continued looking at it.

"You can just say you're tired." Clay suggested. "Sapnap knows I don't go to sleep until 3 in the morning or later, it's like.. 9 at night right now. He'll know it's bullshit." I put my head in my hands and leaned on the counter.

"Baby, it's okay. He doesn't fucking care." He pulled my head up and kissed my cheek. "Yeah, he might not care but you know he's gonna bully me for it." My eyebrows shoved together. He squished my cheeks with his hand, "Then I'll bully him, it's that easy." He walked out of the bathroom.

I smiled and walked out of the bathroom as well, turning off the light and closing the door behind me. And of course, Nick was sitting on the couch on my way to the bedroom. "Sheeesh, did you get shot in the neck?" he laughed.

Clay looked back at him and gave him what is called a death stare. "Got it." Nick looked back to the show he was watching. I got into the room and dropped my towel, not caring if Clay was looking it's not like he hasn't seen it before.

I walked over to the dresser and pulled out his new pack of underwear, men's underwear is more comfortable. "Oooooh~ Do I get to choose a color?" I showed him the pack of underwear, "What a wide selection of gray, white, and black!" He joked.

I picked gray, who wouldn't.

I then went to his shirt drawer and pulled out some of his merch, a black shirt with a silver smiley face. I pulled it over my head.

His underwear looks basically like shorts so I didn't have to worry about wearing any bottoms. I looked behind me and he was only wearing sweatpants and didn't look like he was planning on getting a shirt on.

I was staring, well of course I was. "Find something interesting?" Clay smirked and walked over to me. He hugged me and kissed me. "Oh, shut up." I rolled my eyes, "You gotta stop rolling your eyes at me because I caught you lackin' " He laughed.

I pushed him off of me and left the bedroom, and sat next to Sapnap on the couch. "If you say one thing about it don't forget I have scary dog privileges." I stared him dead in the eyes. "Wait but Patches isn't a- Oh, well yeah he is pretty scary huh." He laughed.

"He literally just had to look at you to shut you up." I flicked his head, "He's always been a fucking giant, always like a fucking foot taller than me, you think I'd try to fight that? Remember in middle school, Destinie? Remember when I hit on her as a joke and he gave me a fucking black eye in one punch." He gave out a breathy sigh.

"I should've hit on him then and see what Destinie did, and then if she did do something then watch Clay break up with her." I imagined it, "I know you aren't really imagining that right now- He's always been a little simp for you, huh?" He looked over. "I guess so." I huffed a small laugh.

"I have two things to say, first is that Destinie is too much of a pussy ass bitch that would even try to touch you, and second, wait no I have three things to say, the second is that I am not a simp. Third, y/n if you just tried sooner then you wouldn't have to watch Nick force Destinie and me kiss in front of you since you were just so in love with me and still are." I couldn't tell if he was being real or not.

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