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"Act like what? I didn't do anything"

Dream made his way over to you and put his hands on either side of you and dug his head in your neck, "Are you okay with this?" His voice was low, deep. Hot

He sucked on your collarbone until it left a mark, you whimpered, "Consent with words would be nice." He moved his placement on your neck and moved to an inch under your jawline, and sucked. Bit. And licked, "I- Clay...." 

He found a spot, a specific spot. Some may call it a sweet spot, and oh did you moan. "F-fu- Yes Clay, you can do this." You were embarrassed, you knew you've always wanted this, but it was just out of reach.

His right hand lifted and landed on your waist, it squeezed. A good squeeze. It felt nice. He earned another whimper. He looked up at you, dazed eyes, he kissed you. Oh my god, you loved this. 

He flicked your bottom lip with his tongue for accessibility to your mouth, as soon as you accepted. His tongue bolted into your mouth. Explored every area that your mouth provided. 

He lifted up his other hand and put it on the other side of your waist, he picked you up and brought you upstairs, "Stairs are quite the inconvenience when you want to get somewhere quickly." He mumbled.

He lightly threw you on the bed and soon hovered over you and sucked on your collarbone again, his right hand wandered up under your shirt and to your breast, mind you. You weren't wearing a bra.

He massaged your breast at the first feeling, a moan instantly being gained, "Are you sure about this, baby? I need you to say you're comfortable with this." He looked up at you, "Yes, Clay I have wanted this for longer than I can remember now stop asking."

He pulled off your shirt and attacked your nipple with his mouth, you were a moaning mess just from his mouth, his off-hand was being used to massage your other boob. You felt a bulge on your inner thigh and instantly knew. He was hard.

You reached down your hand and started to palm his dick through the clothing, he grunted.

He stood up and took off his shirt, Oh my god, he is so fucking hot. He then ripped down his pants, he was then only in his boxers, he looked up at you as he kissed down your stomach and then soon teasing around your cunt area. 

He kissed your inner thighs and held them. "Fuck, you're so beautiful." Him saying.. fuck, that was different. That was hot, hot as fuck.

You whimpered, he pulled down your panties with his teeth and instantly licked the inside of your folds and your clit, every once and a while he would lick the entire section and enter his tongue inside of you.

He pulled down his boxers and started to jerk himself, "Just put it in- Clay please." You needed him. Now. 

He looked up at you and slowly entered the tip of his cock, you winced in slight pain, but told him to continue moving, you were a virgin. You never really liked the thought of having sex with anybody else. "Clay, please be gentle. This is my first time." You reached up and covered your face.

He lifted your hands and kissed you, "I will, Baby. Don't worry." 

After a few minutes of you adjusting to him moving back and forth, he sped up. You were moaning as you'd never think you would before. His cock moving in and out of your pussy just made you wetter at the thought.

A warm knot began to collect in your stomach, "C-clay I'm cl-" You reached your hand down to your clit and started to rub it, he slapped your hand away. "I know you're close, Baby." He pulled out and kneeled on the ground and wrapped his arms around your thighs to pull you closer.

He licked the shit out of your clit, you came. "Fuck baby you're so hot." He stared at your pussy as your liquids dripped down. 

"Stop staring." You said leaning your head back to avoid eye contact with him, he leaned over you to the nightstand and pulled out a condom, he slid it on his cock and re-inserted it into your cunt. He cummed.

You two were completely lax. "I love you so much, Baby. I always have, I just never found the way to tell you." He wrapped his arms around your waist and laid his head there.

You too fell asleep, naked.

(From this point on it will be fluff lol)

You woke up to Patches beside you, you were fully clothed, but in Dreams bed. Clay wasnt in there, you stood up and tried your best to walk but it wasnt easy.

You walked down the stairs and flopped down on the couch, you heard sizzling. "Are you cooking something?" You asked, "Yea, im cooking eggs right now. And toasting some english muffins." (Or bread if you dont like english muffins)

"Oh that sounds nice, thank you." You stood back up and walked to the kitchen then had to lean on the table to sit yourself down correctly. He laughed, "What are you laughing at?" You looked up to Clay, in a white-tee, grey sweatpants, and a black apron. "Im just laughing at how I did that to you, its an honor truly."

He walked up to you and kissed you, "Want anything for drink?" He walked to the refrigerator, "Yea I would like some chocolate milk. I l know you have it." He did, he pulled out a gallon of chocolate milk and poured you a glass. He handed you your plate with some fried eggs, plated with english muffins. "Breakfast for M'lady." He bent down and kissed your cheek.

" I love you, y/n." He kissed the crook of your neck and walked away, he returned with no apron on.

"Do you want to go anywhere today?" Clay said leaning down to you as you took a bite from your eggs,  "Yea I want to go to the beach today, if thats okay with you." You asked, "If you want to go I dont care."

A/N afckhdhshd I am bad at writing long chapters but I will try my best in the next chapter and im at my friends house so writing that smut here in discrete was- anyways bye bye

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