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 It was time, you were home alone. For like... 8 hours, your family had a lot of plans.

You went into your suitcase and pulled out the lingerie you bought a while back and slipped it on. This was more showing than the one Dream bought. You were kind of planning for this moment, what a horny bastard.

You took the picture and sent it to Dream.

Dream has screen shotted the chat!

you couldve just asked for the picture 🙄🙄

wWhat the fuck y/n im talking to sapnap and dream

awh well thats just too bad now give me attention im better than them

fuck you

please do i miss daddies pp

what the hell

anyways leave them and come talk to me

Okay give me a second to hang up


"Im gonna uh, im gonna go guys. Bye bye." I quickly said, fuck that was a hot picture. If I were there she'd be absolutely destroyed. Panting my name... Wait shit I still have to leave the call. "Wait why?" The brit said, "Because I want to?" I quietly palmed my hardened dick through the fabric. "Bye then, Dre." I left the call, thank you Sapnap, thank god.

~Third person POV~

Dream texted you on Discord. 

Get something to fuck yourself with

A few minutes passed, since you had prepared for this. You brought a dildo with you, thinking he would want you to do this.

He facetimed you through discord, you already had your laptop set up.

"Hey." You said as if nothing happened, "You made me stop talking to George and Sapnap, while they were both streaming, they probably hate me now." His voice sounded a bit lustful, which a pinch of neediness. "C'mon, baby you know what I want." He sounded a bit aggravated.

You put on a shirt while waiting, wanting him to be disappointed. "Okay then, I'll act like I didn't see that picture." His camera was pointed toward his face, he was leaned back in his chair, looking directly into the camera, as if he was looking at you.

You pulled off your shirt, the air discovering your body again, with just the lingerie on. "There ya go baby." You couldn't really see it, but you saw his arm moving up and down. He was palming himself. "Take off the bralette." He demanded.

You almost hesitated.

You took it off though, and as soon as you did you could hear him groan a bit. "Play with your tits." You heard fabric rusting, soon to realize that Clay took off his shirt, you whimpered. You started to play with your tits, occasionally pinching your nipple.

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