act eighteen \ the onyx

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Hair flying back in the harsh wind, eyes teary as they stared at the dark storm and body surrounded by worried friends- their arms around her as she cocked her head to the side. 

"T-They're gone . . . . ?"

Head bowed as she nodded her head once more, Sailor Pluto couldn't lift her gaze to Sailor Celeste as Daisuke held Chibiusa in their arms, their own gazes shifting between the storm and Senshi. 

"How can they be gone? Just like that, gone?" The gold-haired female found herself standing up, the grip on her loosening as her head and body shook. 

"How can they be gone!?" She yelled out-loud, no voice answering her pained question. Grasping her head, Celeste crouched her body over as her throat burned. 

"I promised Miko that I would be alright. That nothing would happen to me and that I would return to her. I promised her with everything in my body . . ." Sailor Moon noticed tears fall from her sister's eyes as the latter's body turned to face the storm. 

"Mamoru must be worried sick. I didn't have the chance to say anything, but-but, I need to find them. I need to make sure they're both alive."

Starting off in a strong walk towards the storm, the shouts and yells for her stop fell on deaf ears as Celeste's eyes grew to watery to see ahead of her. 

"Sailor Celeste, you have to stop--"

"Stop? Stop what? Stop finding Miko and Mamoru who are lost in time?" Sailor Venus didn't jump as she stared at the female, "No, Venus, I can't stop. I need to know if they're safe or not."

"And you will once we come up with a plan- Sailor Celeste, stop!"

Breaking out into a sudden run, the deep-blue eyed Senshi prepared a sceptre to take with her into the storm as cries for her to stop blared even louder with heavy steps behind her. 

"Sailor Celeste, you're being reckless!"

"Stop this before you get hurt!"

"Sister, stop this!"

"I am not stopping until I see them alive!" Her eyes grew fiery-gold as she spoke irrationally, "If they're not in this world anymore, then I will follow them wherever they are--"

"Sister!" Sailor Moon thought about crying as she heard her twin's dark words.

Reaching the edge of the storm with her gold weapon in hand, Sailor Celeste reached a gloved hand inside the blackness just before a vision of a female's face- the features displayed truly familiar to her as she let out a choked-up gasp. 

"Wait, wasn't that--" A another wave of wind pushed back the female into her friends, the group flying back to where King Endymion, Sailor Pluto, Daisuke and Chibiusa waited.

Staring at her right hand that touched the storm, the vision continuously played in her mind, her eyes wide before she let out a deafening scream. Covering their ears as they watched the female in confusion and worry, her chest came falling down before she fell on her back, eyes hooded. 

"Sailor Celeste?" Sailor Jupiter was the first to ask, lightly nudging the Senshi's shoulder.

"Celeste, are you all right--"

"She's there . . . " Mercury, Venus, and Moon leaned closer to the gold-haired female as Pluto lifted her head as she took a deep breath, her weapon in hand leveling up with Celeste's body. 

Lifting a finger to point to the storm, her tired eyes stared at the entrance as the face of the woman flashed in her mind again, "S-She's there . . ."

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