act fourteen \ moon jade's longing

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"Papa! Papa, I'm over here!"

Turning his head to the soft voice calling to him, King Endymion turned his body and quickly wrapped his arms around Miko's petite figure, the young girl crying as she was collected into the strong arms of her father.

"It's okay Papa, I'm right here. I'm sorry for making you and Mama worry." 

Feeling her body now being able to slowly relax, the young girl pulled away first and wiped her father's tears away. Staring into the daughter's face, Endymion let out a long breath before taking her into his arms and standing up tall.

"Do you know where your mother is? She went out to get you, but hasn't come back."

Pausing at the mention of her mother, Miko sucked in a breath before pointing outside into the dark landscape. Feeling dread as he neared the dark and quiet, the black-haired King tightened his grip on the white-clad girl he was holding as they neared the entrance.

"May the Moon watch over us." Taking a step outside, the King and Princess of held onto tightly as they walked onto the barren land.

Looking around with cautious and wide eyes, Endymion squinted his eyes as he soon spotted something haunting up ahead.

"N-No . . "

Nearly forgetting that he was holding his daughter tightly in his arms, the cerulean-eyed male sprinted over to the large crystalline structure, nearly falling over in the process. The large crystal was the second thing shining on Nēo-Tokyo to Crystal Palace.

Slowing his steps as he neared the gleaming crystalline, for the second time that day it felt like time had stopped for Endymion. Frozen motionless in her power, the King stared at his sleeping love with dread and horror-filled eyes.

"A-Are Mama and Koko dead?"

Pressing her hand on the spot where her cheeks would be, Miko felt her chest rise faster as she stared at her unmoving mother.

"No, my darling Yumiko. If it was that, the Moon would no longer shine. Her and Koko are just stuck in a death-like sleep. Nothing bad will happen to your sister."

Moving her gaze from her mother's pale face to her father, the young girl poured as she stared at the slowly rolling cheek running down the man's face.

Endymion felt horrible- Actually, whatever feeling was worse than horrible, he felt like a failure. Since the day they got married, he told himself that it was his mission is to protect Serenity from any harm, which is one of the reasons why his wife is told not to leave the Palace. 

When his love ran past the double doors in search of their daughter, Endymion felt that everything that held his heart together leave him. Now seeing his wife frozen in time with her hands protecting her stomach, the King's heart broke knowing that if he had remained by her side long enough, none of this would have happened. 

"Let's bring Mama home, Yumiko."

Taking his eldest daughter's hand in his left, Endymion extended his right arm out beside him before forcing the little power he had out. Forming a white rope, the male wrapped it around the crystalline structure before it floated up so that it hovered above the ground. 

Walking back to Crystal Palace, the King and Princess made their way up the main stairs before somberly trekking through the upper hallway of their home. Stopping in front of the last room in the hall, the pair looked up at the intricate art that displayed the life of their wife and mother, from her past on the Moon Kingdom to now as queen of Nēo-Tokyo.

Entering the brightly-lit crystal room that sat above Crystal Prayer Room, Miko's eyes moved to the windowsill, widening when they spotted Chibiusa's still figure, "Usagi!"

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