act five \ destined meetings

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Holding the skirt of her dress as she ran down the hallways of Crystal Palace, Princess Serenity turned her head to the sides as she searched for the black-haired Prince. Squinting her eyes as she spotted a figure ahead of her, the lilac-haired female continued running ahead.

"My love, where are you going--"

"Get away from me! Do not come near me!"

Suddenly pausing at the harsh words being yelled to her from her lover, the Princess brought her hands to her chest as she stared at the usually cerulean-eyed, though now red-eyed male.

"Get away!"

Sitting up suddenly in her bed as her heart raced wildly and a thin layer of sweat covered her forehead, Yumiko clutched her sleeping-shirt tightly over head as she attempted to calm herself.

"It was only a dream. Just a dream, Yumi-chan. There is no need to worry." Cupping her paws over the teenager's cheeks, Portia stared into the female's eyes, the latter slowly calming her heartbeat as her body physically relaxed.

"Thank you, Portia. You really are helpful."

"Well, it is my job, Yumiko."

Rubbing her hand over the feline's head as the cat softly purred, the lilac-haired female smiled at the silver-feline's expression before carrying her in her arms. Swinging her legs over her bed as she stood, the eldest twin turned to face her sister's sleeping figure, though noticing the dark circles under the blonde's eyes.

"Looks like Usagi isn't getting a good sleep as well."

Stepping into their bathroom, the fourteen-year old washed herself clean before stepping into a new pair of clothes and sitting down in front of their vanity, brushing her hair and tying it into the usual odango style. Standing up from the soft seat, Yumiko moved over to their drawer, where her Brooch sat calmly.

"Luna, can you tell Usagi that I'm going to buy a few snacks for later and that I will meet her at Ami's apartment?" Perking her head up at the sound of her name as she replaced the teenager's position on the bed, the midnight-black nodded before continuing her resting.

Taking the Brooch in hand, the female slipped the gold-and-white object into her handbag. Scooping Portia in her arms, Yumiko smiled at her reflection before leaving the bedroom. 

"Today is such a nice day, Portia, but my mood doesn't seem to match the bright weather." Tapping her white-shoe covered feet on the ground, the female let out a long sigh as the previous events played through her mind.

"I don't fully know how you feel, but everything will come back together in the end, Yumi-chan. All you have to do is look towards the future." 

Smiling at the wise words being told to her, the blue-and-white clad teen closed her eyes as her body collided into somebody else. Opening her eyes to see something glimmer in the light, Yumiko picked up only to be shocked at the item being a familiar pocket watch that was telling the time perfectly.

"Tuxedo Mask's pocket watch . ."

Looking up to see who she had bumped into, the female's breath hitched as she stared into the face a male who perfectly resembled Chiba Mamoru, though something was different.

"I-I'm so sorry for bumping into you. I didn't know where I was going--"

Brushing himself off as he sent a warm smile to the teenager in front of him, the male leaned towards the female with his red eyes catching her attention, the black-haired male whispered his words quietly as the female nodded. 

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