act four \ trips down memory lane

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"Where is this girl? Serenity! My daughter where are you?"

Rushing down the hallways of Moon Palace, Queen Serenity of the Moon Kingdom turned her head left and right as she was in search of her eldest daughter, who had suddenly left in the middle of her Royal Lessons.

"Serenity? Where are you? My daughter--"

Pausing in front of the door to the grand kitchen, the mint-haired woman relaxed her shoulders as she peeked though the white doors, spotting a familiar figure talking with the bakers. Entering the clean and modern cooking space, the females in the room bowed to the newcomer as she nodded.

"There you are. A little dove whispered to me and said that you suddenly left your lessons after the bakers announced that sample cakes for the ball have been prepared."

Freezing as she heard the motherly voice speak behind her, a lilac-haired female slowly turned around as she kept her head down, knowing what was happening.

"Look up at me, my child."

Doing as she was told and looked up to meet her mother's matching eyes, Princess Serenity of the Moon Kingdom hid her hands behind her back as she was being led out of the kitchen, though suddenly pausing as her mother stopped her footsteps.

"And please put the cake down. And the double-frosting cake. I can smell my special icing- Sparkling Moon Jade from here, darling." 

Pouting as she placed the small cakes from her hidden hands, the lilac-haired Princess let out a barely audible groan as the two females exited the kitchen. Guiding the heir of the Moon Kingdom down the brightly lit hall, past large windows that revealed the large green field behind the Palace, Queen Serenity let out a sigh as she turned towards her daughter.

"I am not sure when you began developing this obsession over sweets, but you should tone it down for you may hurt your teeth." Nodding her head as she stared outside as the sun shone in the distance, the voices around Serenity grew faint as her eyes focused on the battle on the green field pressing her left hand on the window.

"Strike, turn, and extend."

Moving her body closer to the glass window as she watched a blonde female follow her exact movements, the opposing brown-haired female crouched to the ground before leaning back, missing the long stab-movement.

"Come on, Serena. It is not that hard to follow her actions once you have fought her. Memorize her patterns and interrupt them . . " 

Leaning her hand on the window as she gazed at her younger sister's graceful, though blunt attacks, the lilac-haired Princess clenched her eyes as she watched Sailor Jupiter disarm the blonde-odango before pushing her to the ground in defeat.

Watching her eldest lose focus from her words and become distracted by the training down below, Queen Serenity quirked her head to the side before following her daughter's gaze to watch their Sailor Senshi group together.

"Do you want to be one of them, my Moon Jade?"

"N-No! I was just watching them because they look really cool. I-I would be too nervous to step on a battlefield if I were to be a Senshi, and I will be taking over the throne, so handling both matters would be too much for me. Now, it seems that I am quite late for my lessons. I shall be off, mother." 

Placing a small kiss on the mint-green haired woman's cheek, her three-hundred year old Princess picked up the skirt of her dress before rushing down the hallway, not wanting to continue the conversation.

Moving her deep-blue eyes from her departing child to the Sailor Senshi outside, the Queen of the Moon Kingdom let out a breath through her nose before nodding, knowing what she should do.

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