act nineteen \ the fight for the future, part one

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"Ah, it's been a while since I've last been here."

Taking a deep breath through her nose as her heels touched down on the ever-shining floors of Crystal Palace, The Onyx stared down at her reflection- the purple skirt following her figure as she began her move up the grand staircase.

"I know it's hard staying cooped up inside, Chibiusa, but you're not alone."

Looking up from a book she was reading, the pink-haired girl looked up at King Endymion with a small nod, her gaze moving to the two cats beside her, "I know that, uncle. It's just that, I wish there was more I could have done to stop this from happening. If-If I just ran after Miko, then none of this--"

"Shh." The king sat on her bed, his words slowly calming her, "No one knew what was going to happen to her. No one. So none of this is your fault, Usagi."

Wiping the young lady's tears away, Apollo and Diana cuddled their heads on her shoulder as she nodded to reassure herself, "Okay."

"There we go. That's the smile I want to see." Making his way to her door, Endymion waved at his niece and the two felines before Apollo closed it behind him. Staring down at the doorknob, the King waved his hand over- the little bit of his power locking the door. 

Pressing his temples as he let out a short breath, the black-haired pressed his lips together as he the unoccupied rooms of his brother's family before reaching his. Through the tiniest crack between the door and the wall, the King stared at his sleeping figure, too exhausted, injured and heartbroken to stand. 

Fully passing through the door, Endymion couldn't help himself to look around the large room. Standing over his sleeping body, the blank space next to him made his throat burn as he moved his sights to the vanities and dressers. Watching his fingers pass through the dozens of framed pictures, the King rested his chin in his palms as he stood in silence. 

"Aw, I remember this one." His wife and daughter were standing in front of two large cakes they managed to make themselves, flour and icing all over their clothes as they smiled at the camera. 

"Oh, and this one too." The family of three were out on a picnic on the roof, faux grass and trees conjured by the white-haired woman as birds flew over their heads. 

Staring at one last picture, Endymion curled his lips as he yearned to pick up the framed image. The celebration of another pregnancy. Remembering back to the festive day it was announced that him and his wife were expecting another child, the whole Palace had gone up in celebration. 

In the framed picture, the Royal Sailor Senshi were jumping on both of their sides as Miko and Chibiusa held up two pink cakes. Standing in front of a large banner that read 'Baby Surprise!' Endymion lifted up Serenity, large smiles on their faces as confetti was shot throughout the room. 

Stepping back from the dresser as the extremely special event from thirty years ago played out in his head just like it was yesterday, King Endymion let out a long breath through his nose as he brushed his hair back. 

"I should probably go visit them now. I'm getting behind schedule."

Quickly leaving the master bedroom at the end of the East Hall, the male quickly made his to the top floor of his home, hands lightly tapping against his thighs before coming to stop in front of the ancient double doors. 

About to enter the Crystal Chambers, something ticked him off, forcing his eyes to open as the sound of faint heels clacking on the floor grabbed his attention. 

"Who's there?"

Noticing a shadow near him in the barely-lit hallway, the black-haired male straightened his posture as the shadow turned into a figure, their piercing cerulean gaze staring into his own, his eyes widening as the purple-black clad person stood not far from him. 

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