act thirteen \ moon jade's memories

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"Papa, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course, my darling. What is it that you want to ask?"

Clearing her throat as she shrugged her shoulders back, Miko took in a deep breath as she stared at her twinkling bedroom ceiling, the bright light from outside peeking through the intricate lace curtains.

"Why are there so many pictures of this woman in my room? I don't remember putting them up, so do you know how they got here?"

Looking down a picture in his hands of the said woman, King Endymion let out a small chuckle as he knew where this conversation was headed. Placing the framed photograph of an ombre-haired female, the black-haired male rolled onto his side before squeezing his daughter's nose.

"This woman has seriously changed my life. Her name is Sailor Celeste. Back when I was younger, there were so many stories about her."

"Like what? I want to know what stories there are." Holding up an image of the said Sailor, Miko craned her head to the side as her father continued on.

"In the past, Sailor Celeste was this gorgeous Princess living on the Moon with her younger sister, Serena, and mother Queen Serenity. Two brothers from the Earth Kingdom, Prince Endymion and Octavian fell in love with the Moon Princesses, but back in that time, there was a Law saying that 'no people from the Moon or Earth shall coincide', making it hard for the couples to see each other."

Nodding as she swapped the framed picture with a smiling image of the deep-blue eyed female, the lilac-haired girl nodded as King Endymion cleared his throat.

"Since there was a Law in place, the Earth Princes had to meet the Princesses in secret, mostly at balls hosted by Queen Serenity. Soon, Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion fell madly in love with one another, while Princess Serena and Prince Octavian started off on the wrong foot. Everything was moving on smoothly, both Kingdoms ruled in peace, until the attack from the Negaverse."

Freezing as she heard the name of the old evil group that roamed the universe two millenniums ago kids would still talk about, the Princess stared at a picture of the historic portrait as she rolled on her back.

"Wanting to save the woman he loved, Prince Endymion sacrificed himself for her, though the grief was too much for her that Princess Serenity had also killed herself. Having seen their older siblings deceased, Princess Serena and Prince Octavian followed them. "

"They all killed themselves? Wow, they must have really loved one another."

Pausing outside the bedroom door at the all-too familiar story, a white-clad figure smiled as they slightly parted the door.

"Fast forward a millennium in the future, the four Royals had crossed paths again, but they didn't know who the others were because memories had not been awakened." Reaching over to his right, Endymion took a picture of four teenagers.

"Over time, Yumiko," The King held up the first picture, "grew to fall in love with Mamoru." He continued holding up the second picture.

"Usagi, over here didn't really like Daisuke at first, but they grew to slowly fall in love as well." Squinting her eyes as she stared at the four pictures in front of her, Miko quirked her head before her eyes widened.

"Wait a minute." Suddenly standing up, the white-clad female rushed over to her desk and gathered four other pictures and laying them on the ground. 

"Wah! Yumiko in the picture has the same name as me and we also look the same! And Papa, you look like Mamoru." The Princess said while bringing her father's pictures together just after she saw her reflection in the female's image.

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