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"Or else what? What will you do if she doesn't say anything or give it to you?"

Raising her hands up in the air as she stared at the young girl in front of her, Yumiko jumped as she heard Usagi taunt the child from behind her, the blonde still holding her neck in pain as she returned the threat.

"I am not afraid to pull the trigger. Now, are you Tsukino Yumiko and do you have the Legendary Silver Crystal?"

Pointing the small pistol to the teenager's forehead, the young girl squinted her cerulean eyes as the bright-pink haired girl appeared behind her. 

"W-What if my name is Yumiko? It's not like I will tell you if it is, even if you're right, and I will also not tell you where the Legendary Silver Crystal is . ."

Muttering her words before freezing, the lilac-haired females kept eye contact as the young girl clad in a white long-sleeved dress, matching frilled socks and crystal shoes, took in a breath as she cocked the gun in her hands. Sensing something bad about to happen, Mamoru lunged forward as the weapon went off, forcing the teenage girls to jump at the loud sound. 


Staring at the stunned female, her friends let out relieved sighs as they realized that the lilac-haired teenager was just unconscious. Lifting his head as he watched the two girls run around the corner, the black-haired male quirked his head to the side as he unconsciously brought his fingers to his lips, his mind swirling with thoughts on what was happening. 





That was the planet of Nemesis. 

All gathered in a room lit by torches and a single globe in the center, four figures discussed matters between themselves before they were all quickly silenced. 

"Silence! Our main goal is to retrieve the Legendary Silver Crystal, no matter the cost. Wiseman here tells us that we should have it in our grasp, but if not, it will be our ruin. Do any of you have a good plan in taking the Crystal?"

Standing in front of the three quite figures, a tall male looked up from the ground, his purple eyes scanning the frozen faces. Letting out an annoyed sigh, Prince Demande pinched the bridge of his nose before a red-haired male stepped forward, his combat boots hitting the floor with resonating sound. 

"I have an idea, Prince Demande." Raising his hand with a smug expression on his face, Rubeus cleared his throat as he shot a green-haired female a single look, "With the help of four of my friends, I think we have a strong chance in taking the Crystal."

Extending his hands to the side, four females appeared behind the muscled male, upside-down black moon crescents adorning their foreheads. 

"I would like to have a go! There is a girl with fire powers and I would like to see who is better, me or her!" Taking a step in front of her sisters as she opened her palm, showcasing a ball of fire, Koan smiled excitedly as the white-haired male nodded slowly. 

"Great. I should hope that you come back with news of victory. Your code will be Code 001 - Operation Recruit."

Smirking at the plan of action, Prince Demande crossed his hands over his chest as he turned around, missing the gaze from his younger brother, Saphir. Letting out a quiet sigh, the white-clad male brought his eyes to the ground as the thought of retrieving the Legendary Silver Crystal deepened in his mind. 

"Are you still thinking about her?"

Simply nodding as he noticed the blue-haired male walking towards him, Demande let out another sigh as he brought his purple-eyes looked up to the light-globe in front of him. 

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