act one \ distant memories and growing pains

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"Please find me, Endymion."

"What do you mean find you and how do you know my name?"

Standing in a large thicket of mist, Chiba Mamoru stared the shadowed figure in front of him as the melodic figure cried out to him. Even if he couldn't see the person talking to him, the figure sent waves of familiarity and nostalgia through his veins.  

"Please find me, Endymion. Where the Legendary Silver Crystal is, that is where I am. Where I am, lays the Legendary Silver Crystal."

"What do you mean by that? Who are you and why do I have to find you?" Mamoru's voice grew more and more desperate. 

"Please find me before it is too late. Please, Endymion."

Opening his tired eyes from another restless sleep, the black-haired sixteen year old brushed his hair back as he slowly rose from his lying position. Feeling that his back was damp from a thick layer of sweat, the boy removed his shirt and slipped into a blue top as the door to his bedroom opened, revealing a light-brown haired male.

"Did you have that dream again, brother? Hasn't it been happening for a while now?"

"Y-Yeah, Daisuke. I'm not sure what it's supposed to mean, but by the way she sounds, it looks like we have to find the Legendary Silver Crystal, for that is where she is."

Moving his heavy gaze towards the window, Mamoru let out a long sigh as the mysterious woman's voice rang through his ears, beckoning him to find the powerful Crystal and her.


"Awaken. You need to find Endymion before it is too late."

"Huh? What do you mean? Please, explain it to me!"

Clad in a white dress with her hair flowing out behind her, a long lilac-haired woman reached her arms out to a woman in a tight-fitting, white dress with light mint-green hair, the resemblances in their faces uncanny.

"Please, Awaken--"

"Yumiko, you should be getting ready for school! You don't want to be late, do you?"

Jolting up in her bed, the said fourteen-year old scratched the back of her neck as the sound of someone slamming their body into the bedroom door didn't seem to faze her. For the past few nights, the teenager had been receiving odd dreams in where a woman in fine clothing would whisper the words 'awaken' into her ears, triggering a pounding pain in her chest.

"Sister? We have to hurry up or we'll be late for school!"

Turning her body towards the bedside alarm clock, the female's deep-blue eyes widened as they calculated the time that she had been sleeping and how much time there was until school was to start.

"Usagi, how did we oversleep? And when did you wake up?"

Jumping out of their shared bed, Yumiko ran around the room as a blonde girl in a blue-white-and-red sailor themed school uniform and her hair in an odango slowly got up from the floor while rubbing her head.

"You were up trying to finish something late last night and I didn't want to bother you, I guess that I overslept this morning and forgot to wake you up . ."

Stumbling out of the bathroom as she zipped up her skirt, the lilac haired girl let out a breath as she ran to the opposite side of the room while tying her red ribbon around her collar.

"Hi, my name is Tsukino Yumiko. I am fourteen years and old and the eldest twin in my family out of three siblings, coming before my sister Usagi. Being the older sibling can be tough while trying to be a good example to my brother and sister while juggling academics and fun moments. When trying to impress my parents, I find myself falling into the cracks of being Usagi's twin at times, but we always have each others back, no matter the situation."

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