act ten \ lightening's last shock

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"So you think that they're in charge of kidnappings?"

"I'm certain. I'm truly sure that the Black Moon Clan have been behind Sailor Mars and Sailor Mercury's kidnappings. I don't know what to do, Yumiko-chan. I feel like crying."

Wrapping her arms around her younger sister as the blonde curled into her figure, the said-lilac haired teenager brushed Usagi's hair softly as she let out a soft sigh. 

"Don't cry, Usagi!" Hearing the slightly robotic sound from beside her, the odango-haired females let out a large scream as the Luna-P floated beside them.

"W-What is that?"

Grabbing a pillow from behind her, the younger fourteen-year old about to strike the black-cat toy before two sets of footsteps rushed into the room. Yanking the ball back before it could've been damaged, Chibiusa let out a small sigh of relief as Miko walked behind her. 

"Here, take these. They should make you feel better." 

Looking down at two items in the white-clad girl's hands, the twins picked up a Tuxedo Mask and Shadow Mask dolls with small smiles. 

"Thank you, Miko-chan--"
"Thank you, Miko. However, this won't make me feel better because Daisuke keeps worrying about Chibiusa. He always talks about her, wondering how she is doing and if she needs anything. He's just being too sweet to a young kid, while I'm his girlfriend!"

Feeling the slight jealous-vibe emitting from her sister, Yumiko sat the two of them up and massaged her shoulders. 

"You shouldn't be mad at her, Usagi. They are two girls in need of someplace to stay, and we should be nice to them instead of resenting them. We should go someplace where you'll find your sense of joy again." 

Perking her head up at the idea of an outing, the blonde extended her dominant hand in the air before cheering. "The arcade! We can go to the arcade!"

Pulling her older sister off their bed, the younger female grabbed two of their bags before rushing out of their room and to the front door. "We're going to the arcade now! See you later!"

Walking with a small hop in her step as they made their way to their favourite hang-out spot, Yumiko shot her younger sister an odd gaze as they soon turned a corner. 

"How come just a moment ago you were sad and mad at Daisuke and Chibiusa, but now you're suddenly joyful?" 

"Well, we're going to the arcade first of all, and that place is where I get to relax and enjoy myself. Also, there's this new cafe with desserts inside that 'all the rage' right now."

Widening her eyes at the sound of 'desserts', the lilac-haired female cheered as they stepped into the large building. Walking past the game section of the establishment, the two sisters talked amongst themselves before a pair of familiar voices caught their attention. 

"Chibiusa? Miko? What are you two doing here?"

Looking ahead of her, Yumiko waved at Mamoru, who's gaze was directed behind the sisters before moving to her, sending a wave back to her. 

"What do you mean 'Chibiusa' and 'Miko'? We're--"



Looking behind them, the Tsukino Twins furrowed their brows as they stared at the lilac and bright-pink haired girl run past them and jump into the Chiba brothers arms. 

"W-What are you two doing here?" 

Making their way to the booth where their boyfriends were sitting, each couple sat with one another as the two girls soon ran to the arcade games, the lilac haired kept her gaze on the eldest couple for longer before running off and joining Chibiusa. 

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