act fifteen \ although gone, no evil shall win

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"I want to thank you all for coming to Thirtieth Century Nēo-Tokyo, Sailor Senshi."

All turning to face King Endymion from their positions at the sleeping Senshi from the future, the group from the past slowly made their way to the front of the room. 

"It was our pleasure, King. Whenever there is trouble, we will be there!" Rubbing the back of her neck as she stood up straight, Sailor Moon let out a small breath as she stared at the King. 

"In all honesty, I don't know what happened to this Kingdom. All life had been peaceful and fruitful, but is now all left in ruins" 

Sighing deeply as everyone listened to his words, Endymion brushed his hair back before taking in a deep breath.

"Everything happened so fast if I'm being honest. Things had been calm- My wife and I had sent everyone home to rest before the celebrations and Yumiko had been in the garden when the Earth suddenly shook and a loud explosion erupted. Serenity had went out to look for our daughter. I-I told her not to go, but she's stubborn and wouldn't stop even if I told her to. When Yumi-chan came back, she led me to her mother, who was seen like this."

Pausing for a moment as he stared at his sleeping wife, the King quirked his head to the side as a chunk of air left his body. Hearing the sound of a faint bell ringing, the white-clad crouched to the ground and picked up a small gray cat, a bow with a bell around its neck and a cream-coloured cat. 

"Do you know why the Legendary Silver Crystal surrounded her like that?"

Relaxing themselves in seats that the King had conjured up for them, Luna began asking the questions that she had kept in her mind. 

"It protected her. Leaving in such haste and in a panic, it knows all her feelings and emotions. Seeing as she was being the attacked, the Crystal encased her as a defense mechanism to protect her and Koko."

All taking in the information about the past, the teens from the future moved their gaze to Chibiusa and Miko, who stood next to Endymion. 

"I remember that Papa would tell me stories about Sailor Celeste and her sister, and that with their Sailor Senshi and Earth Princes, defeated all the evil in the world." Looking up to the eyes that she missed dearly, the lilac-haired girl took in a deep breath before speaking again, "That was also a reason why Chibiusa and I decided to go to the past."

Meowing loudly as she was held in the King's soft grip, the small cat jumped down onto the crystal floor before moving to stand in front of Luna and Artemis. 

"Mama! Papa!" 

Jumping back at the sudden words being said at them, the two felines stared at one another as the bright-pink haired girl shook her head. 

"You have to introduce yourself first!" Turning back to her owner, the young cat nodded before clearing her throat. 

"Sorry, it's just that it has been a while since I've seen you. I'm Diana, your daughter." 

Letting out a loud laugh as she watched the colour fall from her friends faces, Portia slowly grew quiet when the other feline walked up to her. Staring into the cat's eyes, the silver-haired feline felt herself falling deeper into the intense stare before the male spoke. 

"Hello, Portia."

"H-Hello . . ." Shaking the cat's paw, the female eyes widened as he leaned in. 

"I am Apollo, I would say in a sense, your fiancée!" Freezing at the deep words spoke to her, Portia fell back as everyone watched with surprise in their eyes. 

Pursing his lips as he stared at his future-self, Tuxedo Mask lifted his hand for a question as he spoke, "Sorry to interrupt, but how is it that you look so young, King Endymion? We look nearly the same, but the time gap is ten centuries."

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