act seventeen \ light will always shine from darkness, right?

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"Mamoru . . ."

Gazing down at the sleeping female in his arms, Prince Demande lightly shook his head as he made his way down the hall, his grip on her tightening as he bit his lip.

"Mamoru, please . . . . help me . . ."

"I'm not your Mamoru or Endymion, darling." He entered the parlour and rested her body on a couch, the white-haired male crouched down so that their heads were level, "But I am your Master. There's no need to worry about that man anymore, because all you will have and need is me."

Leaning his head to the left to stare at her side profile, his eyes moved over her moon-crescent birthmark to her nose and finally her lips. Biting down on his teeth to stop himself, Demande couldn't help himself as he realized that she was vulnerable to any of his doings. Reaching out a gloved hand for her face, a sudden gold spark shocked him as a clear-gold barrier appeared around her body.

Feeling the shock in herself just as her eyes shot open, Yumiko took in a deep breath as she quickly sat up, her energy restored before she calmed herself down.

"Where are they?" Her head immediately turned to the male beside her as she shuffled away from him, "Where are my friends?"

"They're dead."

Rubbing his finger under the couch, Prince Demande didn't hide his anger as he spoke the words coldly. Caught off-guard by the sudden answer, the gowned-female shook her head as she stood up, slightly surprised that she wasn't stopped.

"There's no way they're dead because I overhead Rubeus and this man Saphir talk about them being in the Chamber of Darkness--"

"Well, they were lying." Demande stood to his full height, his eyes looking down at the teenager as she balled her hands around her Brooch. Taking in a deep breath, Yumiko calmed herself to not blast the man away.

"There is no way that they are dead because those girls fought for their lives a thousand years ago during the Great War and just, just stopped the destruction of the world and the Moon three weeks. If we can survive being reincarnated and fighting for our lives twice, then there's nothing this planet and you can do to get rid of us."

"I--" Reaching forward to grab the female, the same gold shock stung him again as she walked away, the sound of her heels clicking on the solid ground growing more faint as he was stuck in his spot.

Rolling her shoulders back from the quick emotional high, Yumiko pressed the cool metal of her Brooch on her chest, the item bringing her a sense of peace as she searched for the room she heard all that information from.

"I know it's here somewhere. The hallway had that light at the end of it- There we go!" Finding the room with light peeking out at the end of the hall, the female turned into the double-doors before it, immediately stopping in her tracks at the sight of someone's back.

Silently working as he kept his gaze on the black item in his hands, Saphir's blue gaze moved over the weapons before him as he cleared his throat before speaking.

"You don't have to be scared about coming in. Rubeus isn't in here and I'm not a big threat." Watching the male not far from her turn around, Yumiko kept her hands at her chest as he flashed her a smile, "Hello, I'm Saphir, Prince Demande's brother. And no, I'm not like him."

Letting out a small chuckle as he watched Yumiko's shoulders visibly relax, Saphir turned back to his work as the sound of her heels neared him.

"How can I be sure that you won't suddenly lunge at me?" Her gaze hardened on his back as his hands handled the tools of a machine, his eyes not meeting hers.

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