act zero \ the princesses, the death of two moon jades

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The Silver Millennium.

It was a great and prosperous time for those living on The Moon Kingdom, and when I say The Moon, I truly mean The Moon that we see every night, adorning and lightning up our dark sky. Ruling over the great land with grace and prosperity, Queen Serenity guarded the two most precious people in her life with the highest level of security: Her twin daughters, Princess Serenity and Princess Serena. The two girls were always seen with each other, stuck at the hand and never seen without each other.

Being the eldest and carrying the Royal name, Serenity opted to be a prime example to Serena when the youngest would act out of order, though the former would find herself failing to be the right example. The youngest Princess would always follow her older sister, even when she wasn't supposed to.

"Serena, what are you doing?"

Holding a large sword up in the air that was meant for their female guards, the blonde Princess froze as her mother's words trailed to her ears.

"Um- I was just following what Serenity was doing."

Moving her gaze to her eldest daughter, who was standing across her sister with her hands behind her back, Queen Serenity crossed her arms as the lilac haired coloured woman's jaw dropped at her sister's backstabbing.

"I didn't touch the sword-"

"Yes, you did. And you also told me not to tell mother, because 'she would get very upset at us'." Throwing her arms in the air as a sign of defeat, the eldest out of the two nodded her head as the girl's mother walked towards her.


Falling in love was something Princess Serenity always hoped to find during the stressful times when people would regard her as future Queen. It was when she laid her eyes on Prince Endymion of Planet Earth, she felt the pressure of finding a King off her shoulders- She was free to do whatever she pleases.

Their love was one of surprises and joy, the two Royals knowing that it was against their Kingdoms and Law for them to be seeing each other, but they went against to what they were told and continued their whirlwind romance. The youngest siblings of the eldest, Princess Serena and Prince Octavian grew fond with each other, though were almost always at each other's throats, quite literally.

"Do you ever become afraid that someone may find us? We have broken the law of the Moon and Earth Kingdoms, forbidding the people from meeting one another."

Waltzing calmly as they stood in each other's arms, Prince Endymion and Princess Serenity gazed lovingly into each other's eyes as the male shook his head.

"I am never afraid of our love, my darling Serenity. Knowing that you and I are together, I am never afraid when we are together, for I know that we will always be with one another until the end of our days and forevermore."

Leaning her head on her love's chest, the Princess bit her lip as she swallowed the words of surprise and joy while the two danced, the music from the ballroom loud enough for them to enjoy each other's privacy. Hiding behind a marble pillar, Serena had grown interested in watching her sister dance with her lover after noticing that Serenity and Endymion's presence had left the grand ball. 

"Wow, you are not being a very good twin if you watch your sister like an over-protective mother like this."

Jumping at the sudden whisper in her ear, Princess Serena turned around before harshly pressing her hand down over Prince Octavian's mouth as the light-brown haired male crouched to the ground in his Royal attire. 

"What are you doing here? You know fully well that you should not be here, but yet you stand in front of me-"

"I wanted to watch my brother dance with your sister to understand what love truly means." Silencing herself at the calm words that the male uttered, the blonde princess moved her hand down to her lap as the Prince clad in silver and dark blue stood up.

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