act six \ requited love in silence

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"Ah, you girls must be wondering how on in the world Tuxedo Mask and Shadow Mask are still alive! Well, it just took some time to resurrect and manipulate their minds by the great power of Queen Metalia."

Smirking at Sailor Moon's angered face as the blonde was grouped with the Sailor Senshi, Queen Beryl let out a small laugh she turned to the female next to her. 

"For poor Sailor Celeste over here, whatever she does and says is under my control. She is no longer the Sailor Guardian over all that is Light, but over all the power of the Dark Kingdom, now that I have the Legendary Silver Crystal in my grasp. She is just a tool, ready to be thrown away. Celeste, fire away at them. And make it deadly."

Turning her red-eyed gaze to the teenagers in front of her, the ombre-haired female waited for no one as she summons a large domed attack in her palms. 

"True Dark Celestial Ending!"

Firing the large blast at the Sailor Senshi in front of her, Sailor Mecury bent to one knee as she placed a shield in between the black ball and themselves. 

"Girls, I worry that the Communication Base is going  to crumple down and take us out if we don't do anything. We have to leave now before we get crushed." 

Taking in a deep breath as she listened to Luna's words, Sailor Jupiter closed her eyes as lightening bolts formed at her fingertips. 

"Hyperspatial Sphere Generate!"

Encompassing all in the large room, the group of nine were transported out of them the structure and to an entirely new location.

"Well, that was quite the ride, but it was for no use!" 

Stepping forward as her three subjects continued firing away at the Sailor Senshi, Queen Beryl closed her eyes before extending her hair, watching as it took the enemy girls into the air. 

"You all fight like you are going to win, though the outcome of this battle will only result in all your deaths. Once I bring the Legendary Silver Crystal to my great Queen Metalia, no one will be able to stop me as I will rule over the entire World and Universe, with Endymion and Octavian by my side."


Looking up to watch the light-brown haired male smirk as he lay a hand on his hip, Usagi cried to him, though her screams had fallen on deaf ears. Staring at the woman that held them captive, Sailor Mars squinted her eyes as visions from their past lives flashed through her mind, forcing a small gasp to escape her lips. 


Gazing up with a raised brow, Queen Beryl jerked her head back as she stared at the purple-haired female's heated gaze, "It was you all along. You had taken control of the minds from the People of the Earth Kingdom to attack the Moon!"

Listening to her comrade's familiar words, Sailor Venus rose her head as she parted her lips. 

"It was also you who had killed Prince Endymion, and because of you, Princess Serenity had taken her own life . . "

Realizing that the woman who was holding her captive was the one who had carried out the events of their past deaths, Sailor Venus let out a loud yell as she summoned the Holy Sword of the Silver Crystal.

"I call on the Holy Sword!" 

Gasping at the loud command, Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Celeste clutched their chests as they felt themselves being pulled towards the sword. Tightening her grip on the sword's gold handle, the blonde slashed the weapon down, cutting herself and her friends free from Beryl's hair. 

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