act nine \ past memories and reflections

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"N-No, Sailor Mars!"

Crying out for her kidnapped friend in her sister's arms, Sailor Moon wiped her tears before turning around, now grief-stricken and angry. Looking up to the group behind her, the scared gaze she received from Chibiusa had finally ticked her off. 

"You! What did you with Sailor Mars? You must have had some connection with the enemy because the two of you came together! So what is it? What do you have hidden up your sleeves-"

"Sailor Moon, stop!"

Feeling her heart race and palms grow clammy as she stared at the teenager yelling at her wide wide eyes and pointing at her, Chibiusa let out a scared breath before she ran away, Miko right on her trail as she grew worried for her usually optimistic friend. 

"What do you think you're doing? Scaring off the young girl like that! You have no place to scream at her when you know nothing about her." 

Catching the blonde's attention as they both yelled at her, Sailor Celeste shook her head as Luna explained the situation to the blonde. 

"If you weren't so rude to her, we could have gotten information out of Chibiusa and Miko! There is something special about them, and now without them, we can't get our answers to our questions!" Sagging her shoulders as reality hit her, Usagi turned to her sister, who shook her head in disappointment as she de-transformed. 

Feeling a raindrop fall on her head, the now lilac-haired teenager looked up to the sky to see rain begin to fall turning the previous white clouds grey. 

"The girls, they're going to get cold and wet! We have to find them before they get soaked or sick--"

Hearing the voiced of his panicked girlfriend, Mamoru rushed over to her before grasping the female's shoulders and whispering in her ears softly. 

"Calm down, Yumiko. Daisuke and I will find them for you. For now, you should take your sister home before she literally drowns in guilt." 

Turning her gaze from her boyfriend's warm gaze to stare at her twin's still figure, the said teenager nodded her head before she grabbed her twin's hand and guided the two of them off the school grounds. All de-transforming and rushing their way home, Ami, Makoto and Minako parted ways before the brothers began their search for the two missing girls. 

"Mamo-chan, I think I can help." 

Hopping on the black-haired male's shoulder as she looked ahead of the pair, Portia led the male to the park where the four them, including Daisuke and Luna. 

Running past the swing set where parents were huddling around their kids and sheltering them from the rain, Mamoru bit the inside of his cheek as worry was about to consume him. 

"Miko! Chibiusa!"

"Have you found them yet?" 

Shaking his head as he held Luna in his arms, Daisuke frowned at his brother's comment when the sound of a loud cry and sneeze caught the quartet's attention. Looking up ahead, the groups shoulders relaxed as they found Chibiusa and Miko huddled together under a soaked bush.

"Yumiko! Chibiusa!" 

Looking up at the sounds of their names, tears welled up under the two girls eyes as they ran into the cool arms of Mamoru and Daisuke, the males grabbing them into separate hugs in an attempt to keep them warm.

"You shouldn't be running off like that in this weather unless you want to catch a cold." Cupping the lilac-haired girl's pink cheek as she softly nodded, the sixteen paused for a quick moment as a memory flashed through his mind. 

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