act seven \ new love, new life, and new beginnings

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"I can't believe they did that. T-They killed themselves."

Remaining in one another's arms with sad expressions forced on their faces, Princess Serenity and Serena of the Moon Kingdom with their partners, Prince Endymion and Octavian of the Earth Kingdom, lay in front of the Sailor Senshi.

"Metalia would have needed the full Legendary Silver Crystal to be unstoppable. Taking down the two people that held half of the Crystal, our lives are all saved. In thanks, we shall finish what they started."

Being the first to stand as she wiped away her tears, Sailor Mars moved her gaze from Sailor Moon to her teammates beside her, encouraging them in their mournful state.

"S-Sailor Mars is right. We have to take down the evil Queen Beryl and Metalia brought into our World before things get worse."

Brushing down her skirt as she took in a deep breath, Sailor Venus shot Sailor Celeste a final gaze before a sudden light encompasses the fallen Sailor Celeste and Tuxedo Mask. Covering their eyes as they let out screams, the four females gazed with wide eyes as the oldests bodies, their figures lifted into the air and arms wrapped around one another, their heads falling back as a white light shone between the two of them. 

"I-It can't be! The Crystal is coming together!"

Letting out loud gasps as they watched in horror, a large gold globe containing Yumiko and Mamoru hovered in the air before flying closer to Metalia, the evil Queen letting out an omnious laugh as she took in the large amount of power.

"Yes! The power of the Almighty Legendary Silver Crystal is mine! Now my first task is to get rid of you fools!"

Extending her hand out as she released a black blast, the purple figure laughed at the loud shrieks and groans of pain as she watched in amusement, laughing as the Sailor Senshi's bodies fell to the ground. Feeling her current form become overwhelmed with the large amount of power, the Queen let out a breath as she let her body expand into the sky, covering her surroundings.

"Luna, Artemis. We can't stay here, unless we have signed our death wishes. The only we can make an impact is if we go the Moon. I know a prayer that awaken Queen Serenity's spirit."

Leaning into her fellow advisors as they three felines spoke, Portia looked over to the forming Senshi and the fallen Royals with sad gazes.

"We should. We would also be safer there." Agreeing with the plan of action, Luna positioned herself in between the white and silver felines as the former took in a breath, muttering a transporting spell.

"O The Moon glistens in the night, may you make you path to us a bright!"

Widening their eyes as a milky-coloured portal formed in front of them, the three felines gave the teenagers nods of encouragement before heading to the Moon.

"We can't do anything on land right now. As Metalia grows bigger, we need to get to higher ground." Standing up as she held her elbow, Sailor Mercury looked up to the sky with her goggles, mentally formulating a plan, "If we can get to space, we have a chance of take her out from above."

Standing in a circle as they harnessed their power together, the females took in a deep breath as they flew into the air, past the purple figure of Queen Metalia, and into space. Holding onto one another a Makoto and Rei were on the ends, the teens rose extended their free arms in front of them before all parting their lips.

"Sailor Planet Attack!"

Releasing the large attack, the Queen below looked up towards the females with furrowed eyes before letting out a snark laugh.

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