act eleven \ listen to my plead

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"Makoto, no! Don't go!"

All watching the brown-haired female's body suddenly disappear with a cut-off scream, Sailor Celeste, Sailor Moon and Sailor Venus stood with arms around each other, horrified expressions on their faces as they stood in silent shock. 

Seated at the Command Base with wide eyes as his mouth was left ajar, Artemis contacted his companions to rush to where the shaken Sailor Senshi were before he leaned back, sad that another one of their own were taken away. 

"Sailor Celeste!"

Looking up as she held the two teenagers in her arms, the ombre-haired female moved her gaze forward just as more crystal tears rolled out of her eyes. Running towards the crying females, Tuxedo Mask wrapped his arm around the oldest just as she cried deeper into his shoulder, Luna and Portia running behind him and to the other teenagers. 

"They keep taking them away. I'm scared, Mamoru. I'm scared. I'm scared that they might take Minako and my sister . ."

"Shh, it's alright. They won't take Usagi, Minako, or even you. No more people will be taken away, Yumi-chan."

Tightly scrunching Tuxedo's Mask blouse, something shiny caught the male's eyes as he soon crouched to the ground, the teenager picked up one of the Petz fallen earrings that were emitting black energy. 

"What is that?" 

All moving around the couple as their emotions had calmed down, Sailor Moon and Sailor Venus looked at the pair as a voice rang through the air. 

"It looks like Petz's earring. It must have fallen off during the fight."

Feeling a slight chill go down her spine, the ombre-haired female cleared her throat before speaking, "We should bring this to the Base so Artemis can scan it."

Agreeing to the plan of action, the Sailor Senshi and Tuxedo Mask de-transformed before making their way to the Base, where the white feline was waiting for them. 

"Even with the earring, I still can't trace the source of where the enemy comes from. After each test I do, the results are always negative or unspecified."

Leaning on a pillar as she let out a sigh, Yumiko bit the corner of her lips as the blue-eyed cat spoke again, "Though, watching every fight from the Base, I can confirm that each time the enemy comes, they arrive in a saucer, which could that they are aliens and are coming after Planet Earth."

Walking onto the main floor of the Secret Base with crossed arms, the sole male quirked his head to the side as he parted his lips. 

"Not to be too sudden, but I know that Ami, Rei and Makoto are alive."

Perking their heads up at the sudden news, the three females stood tall from their positions as they stared at Mamoru, feeling themselves begin to slowly relax at the news of their friends being alive. 

"How can you tell?"

Staring at Minako as he moved over to his girlfriend, the sixteen-year old wrapped his arms around as he took the bag containing the earring in hand. 

"Their Planets and them all have a bond. If they weren't alive, their Planet would lose its life because the Sailor Senshi guarding it is gone. Right now, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter are all safe and intact, meaning that our friends are as well." 

Letting out relaxed breaths as ease began to fill the air, the lilac-haired female's eyes widened as she felt her phone vibrate. Looking down at the device, the message from her mother telling her that dinner was ready and that her and her sister should come home from the arcade. 

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