act twenty \ the fight for the future, part two

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Ruthless punches were delivered to an already bruised face, barely audible grunts of pain surfacing from the still body, their gaze nearly blank as they looked into a heated red gaze. 

"Attack Sailor Celeste." Tuxedo Mask lifted a gloved fist to punch the Senshi's face, her head lolling to the side as she closed her eyes, "Bring her down."

Summoning a pointed rose in his hands, the black-haired male looked down at her chest rising slowly, his grip tightening around the stem as he brought it down.

"Bring down Sailor Celeste!"

With a long breath as she brought her hands to his collar, the gold-haired female quickly flew up, the energy she had on reserve in use as she let go of Tuxedo Mask mid-air, though the rose in his hands moving up to cut her arm.

"I really, really don't want to hurt you," He reached for her figure as he began to fall, "but I am not going fall until I use my last breath riding all evil that prowl around, reigning havoc over Earth."

Bringing her hands together, a warm glow appeared in her hands before shooting towards the black-suited male, sending him to the ground faster, his body encased in gold light. Descending to the ground as she watched him punch against the casing, Sailor Celeste's hair glowed bright gold as the Brooch against her bow began to glow. 

"Please, may you heal with the power of the pure Crystal, please."

Pressing her hands on the gold casing, the female's eyes went gold as she took in a breath, hair and wings flowing behind her as she took in a breath. 


"Wiseman is Nemesis. Nemesis is Wiseman."

Knocked completely off as the ground shook, the gold hue around Sailor Celeste immediately faded as she looked up to a dark planet nearing Earth, red cracks of lightening igniting in different places. Quickly staring at the Sailor Senshi as they regrouped ahead of her, Sailor Moon caught her sister's gaze as the oldest cried out. 

"Nemesis is going to crash into Earth!"

Hearing Celeste's worried cry, the girls ahead of her looked to one another as the twins neared each other. Unable to leave Tuxedo Mask's side as she reinforced the casing around him, Celeste watched her sister come to her as they came up with a plan. 

"We need to stop Nemesis from touching Earth." Moon furrowed her brows as she looked up at the said planet, "But how?"

"Healing power." The youngest looked up at the outstretched hand next to her, taking it as the sisters clenched one another's hand. 

Raising their free hands in the air, both their eyes closed as they harnessed their powers together- the energy moving up from the soles of their feet to the tips of their fingers. Taking in the same sharp breath, their yells synched with another as white and gold rays left their hands. 

"Moon Princesses Healing!"

The Moon shone over the twins, granting them guidance to push back Nemesis, the planet unable to resist as its whole being moved farther from Neo-Tōkyō.

Out of the corner of her eyes, Sailor Celeste spotted The Onyx slashing the gold casing around Tuxedo Mask, her head shaking as the hold she had on the barrier began to fade. 

"Sailor Moon, you have to run." The blonde-odango looked to Sailor Celeste, confused as her sister's gaze was petrified. 

"What do you mean?" A loud cry came from the oldest as she fell to her knees, her body feeling weak as the connection to the barrier was severed and the energy used to repel Nemesis, "Why do I have to run? You need help--"

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