act twenty-two \ in the name of light and righteousness, we will defeat you!

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Watching the girl's lilac hair sway every time she moved, Sailor Celeste's eyes widened as she quickly recognized who was in front of them.

"Miko, wait--"

"Who do you think you are to interrupt me, you child! Whoever you are, you will die at my hands!"

Lunging herself at the girl, Sailor Celeste was quickly grabbed back by the waist as red ray shot forward to Sailor Celestia. Tightly gripping the Celestial Crystal Staff, the lilac-haired girl dug her foot into the ground as the crystal on her weapon glowed as she swung, the red ray being sliced into two and wining back to its source.

Turning around as the angry yell from Death Phantom roared behind her, one of the newest Sailor Senshi shot a funny face to the two teens as they quickly grabbed her.

"Oh my goodness, what are you doing here Miko?" Sailor Celeste looked over the girl's body as she laughed as she was slightly being tickled.

"I'm here to save you both! Mama woke up from her sleep and gave Chibiusa and I powers of a Sailor Senshi, then sent me here to help you guys." The couple softly placed her head, Sailor Celestia's head reaching above their waists as she pointed to Death Phantom.

"The only way to get rid of this thing for sure is to strike a deadly attack at the core. He's more powerful because we're at his core, but that's also leaving him at his weakest. We have the easiest chance in defeating him."

"But are you okay to fight--" Sailor Celeste grasped her thigh as Celestia smacked it with her staff, "If I wasn't okay and prepared to fight, would I be here?"

Silenced as the girl rose a brow at her, Celeste pursed her lips and looked away as Tuxedo Mask took hold of their hands, standing in-between them as he let out a light laugh.

"Knowing that Sailor Celestia is strong enough to deflect a direct attack, she's for sure strong enough to help us take down Death Phantom."

Nodding as they tightly held onto each other's hands, the three closed their eyes and took in deep breaths, connecting their inner souls with each other. Glowing even though empty, the Brooch on Sailor Celeste's bow shone as the crystal on Sailor Celestia's staff glowed white.

Above in the sky as clouds parted, the Moon shone a bright milky-white down on Earth.

Once again in its proper place, the Legendary Silver Crystal of the Future shone bright as the round window of the Moon shot down on the object.

Delicately held in her left hand, the Legendary Silver Crystal of the Past sent a shiver down Neo-Queen Serenity's spine as it shone a bright white, the woman quickly standing up to stare off into the distance.

"They're going to do it. They're going to bring down Death Phantom!"

Connecting their powers with the Legendary Silver Crystals, each other and the Moon, Sailor Celeste summoned a gold staff as her and Sailor Celestia lifted their weapons towards the core, their hair flowing behind them as their eyes flashed a vibrant silver.

"In the name of Light and Righteousness, we will defeat you!" 

Celeste and Celestia's eyes went bright white as they let out deep yells from their cores, the first shockwave spilling out of them. 

"Celestial Moonlight Blitz!"

Nearly pushing the trio back as the two blasts circled into one, the two Senshi screamed even louder as a shockwave of gold and lilac light pounded them, the Blitz and shockwave hitting Death Phantom all at once.

"N-No, I shall not die at the hands of little children!"

The Phantom's skull began to crack as Tuxedo Mask tightened his grip on the girls hands. Watching from the center as their enemy let out loud screams, the cerulean-eyed male quickly brought the two Senshi into his chest as the skull fully broke, the black planet around them soon rumbling at the death.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2021 ⏰

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