act two \ hot weather and burning feelings

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"Bye girls! Stay cool and don't forget the cold treats and drinks!"

Waving to their parents as they left the house, Yumiko and Usagi immediately ran back into the living room as the door was locked. 

"Bring anything you can cool us off." Dumping into a large bucket before pushing it into the living room, the lilac-haired girl, clad in a pale-blue skirt and white tank-top let out a loud sigh as she fell onto a recliner. 

"Oh! I should bring all my magazines so I won't be bored!"

Rushing into their shared room as she passed her sister, who was fanning herself excessively, the oldest twin tip-toed in front of their bookshelf before removing ten 'Sweet Gallery & Galore' magazines and hauled them in her arms, with Portia trailing behind her.

"Now that I have my popsicles and games, while you have your magazines, we can all relax in a cool room." 

Depositing herself on the couch as she opened her gaming console, the blonde let out a joy-filled sigh as she began to enjoy and filling up her time with games. 

It wasn't until long when the heat kicked in and their cold treats were soon finished. 

"Ugh, it's too hot today. There is no place that has enough air conditioning and cold treats."

Still lounging in their living room on the bright weekend morning, Usagi let out a loud groan as she rolled her body on the couch. Clad in blue shorts and a white blouse, the blonde closed her eyes as the fan brushed over her face, sending a hot breeze past her cheeks. 

"It's too hot to go out and buy cakes, too hot to buy candies because they will melt, and too hot to buy sweets . ."

Draping her body over the edge of their recliner, Yumiko flipped through another 'Best Cakes Today' magazine, a stack of the different volumes next to her. The twins had been left home alone after their parents went with Shingo to attend a sports game, reassuring their daughters that they should go out and enjoy the hot day with their friends and be more active. 

"Let me grab the electric fans from upstairs and more magazines. Maybe then I will feel better." 

Placing the book in her hands down before making her exit out of the living room, Portia lifted her head from its lying position as she watched Yumiko leave the room and moved her face to gaze at Usagi. 

"Do you think the others are free? Maybe we can visit their houses."

"I know that Rei is organizing a cool tea and dessert meet-up at Hikawa Shrine not too long from now, and everyone should be going." 

Flipping her body over cool ice-pack as her friend answered the blonde's question, Luna nodded at the silver-feline statement as the teenager remembered about the gathering.

"Really? I want to have some cool treats! Who else is coming? Sister, Rei is having a cool-treats and desserts at the Shrine!" Sitting up straight in her seat as the said teen entered the room with a large fan in her arms, Yumiko placed her object down as she grew interested. 

"Cool! Who's going?"

"All of our friends, including Mamoru and Daisuke." 

Feeling her buns jump at the eldest boy's, Yumiko hid her cheeks with her hands as she immediately agreed to the outing. 

"Mamoru is going to be there, which means I can sum up the courage to confess to him! I originally wanted to do it yesterday, but we were all busy . ."

Feeling her body stop its movements and her eyes widen in total surprise, Yumiko turned to Usagi, who was had her fist lifted in the air as she practiced her words for Mamoru. Shooting her sister a sly gaze as she attempted to urge her sister in confessing, Usagi continued on talking about her 'confession', knowing her words will spark a fire. 

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