the nice handsome guy

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*your POV*

I was sitting in my desk doing work on some work the teacher had assigned to us. But then I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Saiki.

"hey what's up?" I whispered.

'Yesterday when we were walking to your house Teruhashi asked if I was going to be free today, and I said I was hanging out with you, so can you like help me...' He asked.

"Oh, Uhm, yea sure, just walk with me and Nendou cause I'm going over his to start building our robot."

He nodded and went back to his work.

*Saiki POV*

I nodded and went back to my work.

'thank you y/n, your a life savor.'

'what does he want with her? What's going on between those two?' Teruhashi thought.

|| time skip ||

The bell had rang for dismissals and everyone rushed out of the room. Me and y/n stayed in our seats though.

She then tuned towards me while putting her backpack on.

"C'mon lets go." She then starred to walk and I followed behind her.

When we exited the classroom, Nendou was already next to the room.

"Hi Y/n, Hi Saiki!" Nendou greeted.

"hey Nendou!" Y/n waved, and I stayed silent.

We began to walk towards the school exit. Y/n was in the middle of both of us, but mostly talking to Nendou. I felt the sudden need to speak.

I tapped y/n on her shoulder and she turned her head and looked towards me.

'what are you guys talking about?' I asked her.

"oh, about our robot, after we build it we have to make a Google slide and or power point, and we have to present it to the class.

'interesting. Are you done building it yet?' I asked.

"No, we're almost done with the blue prints, im supposed to buy the parts, ill buy them later on today though."  She explained.

"oh and y/n, I got the stuff you asked me to get for when we build the robot." Nendou cut in.

"The tools?" Y/n asked him..

'I feel like a freaking third wheel...'

"Yeah those!" Nendou said.

We arrived at Nendou's house, we took our shoes off and headed up to his room.

Nendou went out the room for a second and came out with a blue paper.

He gave the paper to y/n and y/n pulled out a white pencil and continued her work.

"hey Saiki, I thought you were going to just walk with us?" Y/n said to me.

"I'll stay for now."  I said

"Okay!" She smiled and went back to doing her project.

|| time skip ||

"okay Nendou, I'm finally done with the blue prints, I'm going to go out and buy some of parts for the robot." Y/n said as she stood up and stretched.

"Okay!" Nendou then got a controller out of his tv stand and started playing video games. I just got a book and started reading.

*Your POV*

I put my shoes on and quickly sped walked out the door. I wanted to get as much work done as possible.

I was about to enter a home Depot up until a weird looking man stop me.

"Hey pretty lady! Can I get your number?" The guy asked.

"sorry sir, but in a minor.." I then try to walk past him but then he grabs my arm.

"I didn't ask what you were, I asked for your number bitch." He threatened. I winced as his grip on me tightened.

I tried to use my other hand to get the pepper spay that I had in my pocket but the grip on my arm loosened.

I looked over to see a purple hair guy with glasses stand before me, with the other guy knocked out.

"Are you okay?" The guy asked.

"Yeah thanks..." I sighed.

"I'm sorry, I...sadly know him... So let me help you." He said.

"No, I'm fine!" I waved my hands around.

"Then let me buy it!" He protested.

"Fine..." I sighed and walked into the store.

I got all the stuff I needed and I headed to the register and he paid for everything.

"Hey what's all this stuff for anyways?" He asked.

"A project for robotics class for my school." I told him.

"you go to PK academy right?" He said.

"Y-yeah, how'd you know?"

"your uniform... Plus I'm transferring there tomorrow."

"Oh okay! That's nice." I said.

"So, what's your name?" He asked.

"Y/n l/n, you?"

"Aren Kuboyasu, just call me Aren though.." I said.

"Alright Aren, this is my friends house, also thanks for what you did today, I couldn't thank you enough!" I said.

"you don't need to thank me, ill see you tomorrow." He waved and walked

'he's a nice guy! And handsome too!' I thought as I walked into Nendou's house.

*Saiki POV*

Y/n had came into the room with a bag of supplies, placing the bag where they were getting started on their robot.

Little did y/n know, I used clairvoyance to see where she went. I also notice that a guy named Aren helped her too. But what did she mean by 'And handsome too?'

Other than that I watched as the Aren guy walk away from Nendou's house, and watch as y/n and Nendou started on the robot.

Maybe I shouldve went with y/n to the store... I mean she did help me escape from Teruhashi.

But anyways, Nendou started building the exterior of the robot, you might think he's smart but no he's still dumb. Y/n had to tell him where you put things and what tools to use. Y/n on the other hand was building the interior, with all the programs and stuff to make the robot move.

Y/n was hard working. She was determined to finish this project, but she should've been partnered up with someone smarter and this would be a breeze. I could never imagine partnering up with Nendou for a robotics project... Wait how did Nendou even get into robotics?


(words 1025)

~ 𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓪𝓷 𝓔𝔁𝓬𝓮𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 ~ Kusuo Saiki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now