An old friend

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*your POV*

I woke up the next day feeling a little tired. When Aren left when the movie was over, I couldn't sleep. I picked up my phone to see what time it is, It was 11am. I got up and took a shower and did all my basic human needs. I went down stairs and got something little to eat since I missed breakfast.

I notice we were running low on food supplies so I decided to go shopping. I ended up shopping longer than I though. I went to the next aisle and ran into Nendou.

"Nendou? I didn't expect you to be here?" I said.

"Y/N? Oh hey! we ran out of milk so my mom sent me to go get some."

"oh, cool. You doing anything this weekend?" I asked as I started walking unintentionally.

"I don't know. I really want to go out, but I have to study for midterms..."

"you can come to my house sometime to study if you want, I have a lot of time on my hands so your free to come by anytime." I offered as I walked up to the check out line.

"Cool! Can I come tomorrow?" He asked, while I unloaded my cart.


"hey y/n.... I see you got a new fuck buddy..."

"Kanako?!" I gasped slightly. "He's just a friend, and robotics partner."

"you said the same thing about Zack... But yet you still slept with him."

"I never slept with Zack! It was a rumor!"

"sure whatever, that isn't what he said..." She said as she finished aggressively putting my items in the bags.

"You don't listen... I didn't sleep with Zack, and I'm not fucking my best friend! I wouldn't do that if I have a boyfriend!"

"you have a boyfriend?! He's probably just another boy toy then."

"he's not..." I said and got out some money, but it wasn't enough. "Hey Nendou, do you have five dollars? I'll pay for you milk too.."

"Yeah sure here." He handed me five dollars.

"wow, your that broke you had to borrow five dollars? I would've guess your using your so called 'boyfriend' for money!"

"wow, your that broke you need a part time job? I would've thought that your so called 'Daddy' gives you money." I said, angering her.

"get your bags and get out of my store...."

"Yeah whatever." I grabbed all my bags and gave Nendou the bag with his milk in it.

"what was that? And who's Zack?" Nendou asked.

"that was my old friend from my old school... She was my best friend... then she got a boyfriend that was in the robotics club. I was friends with her boyfriend, we got along well. He was nice. Or so I thought."

"We'd always study together but not outside of school because we knew that kanako would think somethings up. One day he spread a rumor saying that I took advantage of him and took his virginity without consent. Then everyone started slut shaming me. That why I transferred to PK academy. I couldn't handle it. I'd suppress my tears all day and acted like I didn't care, but as soon as I made it home I'd break down."

"So whenever I transferred to PK academy I stayed silent I didn't want to talk to anyone but a month went by and I felt lonely. But then you and me paired up for that project and I've made more friends." I explained

"I just have one question... What does, Virginity, consent, and suppress mean?" Nendou asked.

I sighed as a began to explain what the words mean so he could understand what I was saying.

"ohhhh, that makes so much more sense now! You could've just said that instead of using those big words!"

I rolled my eyes and walked up to my doorstep unlocking the door.

"Hey y/n can we study today?" Nendou asked.

"Yeah sure come in!" We walked in and lined our shoes up. I told Nendou he can go to my room and get out the text books. I put all the groceries away, along with Nendous milk.

My dad was in his office trying to create new technology for his and moms job. I greeted him before I went to my room.

All of the robotics textbooks were laid out. I sat down in front of Nendou and we began studying. A few minutes go by and Nendou says my name.

"yes Nendou?"

"your not a slut." He said suddenly.


"your not a slut, because your my best friend!" He told me as he smiled

"thanks Nendou!" I smiled back. There then was a knock on my door and then it opened.

"Y/n there is someone who wants to see you." My dad said. Then walked in Aren.

"Hey Aren!" I smiled and waved. He came in and close the door behind him.

"What are you two doing?" He asked the both of us.

"Studying for midterms for robotics." Nendou said.

"Hey Nendou, Uhm... Can you give us a minute?" Aren asked.

"yeah sure." Nendou got up and left the room, closing the door behind him.

"is something wrong?" I asked Aren as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"look y/n, I know this whole relationship thing is new to you, but you can just hang around other guys like that. Someone will see that and take it the wrong way." He told me.

".....but what if I was Bi or Pan?" I asked.

".........are you?"

"I don't know... Maybe I am, maybe I'm not..."

"...........your strange... But do you like understanding what I'm saying though."

"yea, I can hang out with other guys..." I said.

"I didn't say you couldn't, just don't Bring them home, and don't get too close to them. And girls too, in case your attracted to them. I won't judge"

"okay, But Nendou's my best friend. And what if a girl is just my best friend."

"that's fine I guess..." He said

"since those rules apply to me, they apply to you too Aren!"

"okay, fine whatever." He sighed.

"since we gotten that taken care of, you wanna study with me and Nendou?" I asked.

"nah, I'll just watch."

"okay then."

(words 1050)

So... What do you think 😌😏

~ 𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓪𝓷 𝓔𝔁𝓬𝓮𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 ~ Kusuo Saiki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now