her definition of love

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*your POV*

I opened my door after my dad called my name.

"Aren't you supposed to be at work?" I asked.

"they gave me a break today. But tell me why you didn't get home til 5?" He said.

I sighed as I tried to think of a quick lie.

"the teacher wanted to talk with me for a bit about my college and what I wanna do for my future..." I lied.

He huffed. "I just got off the phone with the teacher and she said you left at the same time everyone else left..."

"Now tell the truth or your grounded for two more weeks..." He said simply.

"Fine... Me and my boyfriend broke up, and my friend took me out to eat to make me feel better." I explained. He looked at me with a confused face.

"Since when did you have a boyfriend?"

"I had one for a while now, I didn't tell you cause I didn't want you getting mad..." I told him

"Y/N I swear..."

"I promise we didn't even kiss! All we did was study, go on a date, and hold hands I promise that's it!"

"It doesn't matter Y/n! People aren't who they seem! One minute you could be on a date, the next minute you could be in his bedroom!" He raised his voice.

"Dad, I'm more responsible than that! Plus, Im a teenager! I should be able to go out with people and hang out with my friends! Because I guarantee you that dating in high school is nothing like dating as a middle aged adult..." I said.

"Let me at least enjoy a little bit of my childhood while I still have it because college is a few years away, and soon enough, I might be married with kids and paying bills. Just let me enjoy being a teenager and please understand that I'm more mature and responsible than you think..." I ranted.

He stayed silent for a few minutes, not looking my way, And when he finally looked up all he said was 'okay'.

"you can have your phone back then..."He said and tossed it to me, and i caught it.

I closed the door and hopped on my bed

'god I hate myself....' I thought as my eyes blurred with tears.

But then I randomly thought about Saiki.

should I call him?


I picked up my phone and clicked his contact.

'hello?' Saiki said from other line.

"hey, sorry I ran out like that. I forgot I was grounded, and I panicked.."

'your fine, you didn't have to put the money on the table, I put the money back in your wallet and paid myself.' He explained.

"I'll pay you back-"

'No you will not... Just forget about the money, you don't have to apologize for anything.' He said.

'now go eat dinner, take a bath, and go to sleep early, or else....or else I'll be mad at you...' He said in a serious tone.

I giggled hearing the last sentence.

*Saiki pov*

Y/n giggled from the other side of the phone

After hearing her giggle, my stomach did this... Thing... It was weird... In a good way?

I smiled a little.

"alright! Got it captain saiki!"

'call me kusuo...please?' I blurted.

"Kusuo it its!" She sounded happy. It makes me happy in a way.

What are you doing to me y/n.

'I'll see you tomorrow. ' I said.

"you too! Night!" She said and hug up the phone

I put my phone down on my desk and just stood there. I smiled a little.

"Night y/n!" I spoke without using my telepathy.

// time skip //

Aren stopped sitting with everyone at lunch and sat with Toritsuka and "the boys" me and y/n sat next to each other. Kinda nerve wrecking, I don't know why.

"Did you and Aren actually break up y/n?" Hairo asked.

"yeah, Kanako told him the fake story about me raping isaac..." She said.

"wait who's Isaac I think I missed a few chapters." Kaidou

"you idiot, I swear..." Teruhashi said.

"what?! I don't remember y/n mentioning an 'Isaac'" he said.

"Its fine kaidou... Well, Isaac is the one who spread the rumors at my old school about me raping him.. We were good friends, we were both in robotics." Y/n explained

"Ohhh...." He said.

"Yep! But that's okay because I'm not trusting anyone else. Right now, the only people I really trust is Teruhashi, Kusuo, and maybe Nendou." She said.

For some reason I started to randomly smile.

"First name basis huh? Saiki and I have been buddies longer yet he still hasn't given me the first name basis pass." Nendou spoke.

'that's cause your an idiot.'

"hey! I'm not that dumb!" Nendou said.

Y/n giggled. As I was watching her smile and laugh, my stomach did weird things. Was i... Happy???

'guys, I'll be right back. I'm going to the bathroom.' I said as I stood up and started walking out of the cafeteria.

After I enter the bathroom, I put my hand on my chest only to feel like my heart was skipping out of it.

I try and catch my breath.
Then I remembered some thing.

"My definition of love? Well, its when your around someone, your heart races and your stomach flutters. Its an overwhelming feeling, but a good kind. Its when you want to take your time out of you day to see that person and spend time with them and you think about them all the time. You want to do anything in your power to give them the world and Whenever you look them in the eyes you just want to hug them and smother them with affection. You want them to be happy. Even if that means they'll end up with someone different."

I remember y/n telling me...

Then my stomach started doing that thing again, and my heart started beating real fast.

'am I really in love with her??' I ask myself.

There's no way...

I pull out my phone and go to google and type 'how to know if your actually in love with someone'.

I click the first link and went back to the cafeteria and started reading.

"Hey Saiki, you okay?" she asked.

'Oh uh... Y-yeah.'

I mentally punched myself in the face.

I'm such an idiot, why did I stutter??

"are you sure? Your face is red?" She said

I use my powers to cool myself down a little.
"Im fine. Thanks for asking though." I told her and looked back at my phone.

'I'm in love with you...'

(Words 1116)

HERE WE ARE!! Saiki has finally found out that he's in love with you!!

~ 𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓪𝓷 𝓔𝔁𝓬𝓮𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 ~ Kusuo Saiki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now