Teruhashi's Apology

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Finally the bell rang and the class started to head outside for lunch. You grabbed your lunch box and started heading towards the cafeteria.

you found Nendou sitting at a table with the rest of your friends, and sat down and placed your lunch down with you. "Hey Y/n! how'd you do on your exams?" Kaido asked knowing you were stressing over it for forever. "Oh, i got a ninty-nine!" you smiled. everybody started to smile and clap for you. "What about you Nendou?" you asked

"I got a forty-five!" Nendou smiled.

everyones claps came to a hault and their smiles faded. "Y-you know you failed right?" Toritsuka said. "I did??" Nendou asked with a puzzeled look.

"Yes Nendou. Forty-five isn't a passing grade." Kokomi explained. "Oh..."

"Hey has anyone seen Kusuo?" you asked them. They all shrugged their shoulders and then something in your mind clicked. "Oh- I'll be right back guys!!!" so said, quickly standing up and speed running towards the principles office.

You saw Kusuo standing next to the priciples door, waiting for you patiently. 'What took you so long?' he asked. "My bad, i forgot we we're doing this!"

'Its fine, lets just get this over with, i want to eat.' he spoke as he turned to knock on the principles door.

The Principle opened up with a bright smile. "Oh, its you two! follow me!" he said as he started to lead you two to the back of the cafeteria. You glanced at Kusuo for a few seconds, then he smirked. You looked away.

'I saw you!' his tone slightly deeper than normal. You blushed and lightly giggled as you palms had gotten sweaty.

The principle had gotten two treys, each with a dozon coffee jellies and handed both of you a trey. He led you both to the cafeteria. He grabbed the attention of all the students. He started giving a speach about trying hard and nevering giving up. though you weren't paying attention.

Finally after what seemed like forever, he started announcing that you and saiki had made the grade coffee jelly, everyone's eyes got bright and frowns turned upside down. There were three lines of kids that were getting coffee jelly. You could see Kaidou trying to cut in line and Nendou hopping from line to line. You sighed and shook your head.

You looked back up to see Teruhashi. She had a bright, close-eyed smile. You smiled and placed a coffee jelly on her little plate. "Thank You!" she spoke as she took one hand and wrapped it around your body, hugging you. Her chin placed on your shoulder and she whispered in your ear "i know about you and saiki."

She let go and walked back to the large table she was eating at before, leaving you there with a puzzeled expression. 'is she mad? is she happy? that girl is confusing'

You wondered about what Teruhashi was thinking the rest of the time you were handing out the coffee jelly.

After you were done, the principal took both the pans you and Kusuo had and went to go and dispose of them. You both went to the table which the rest of your friends were, both of you carrying a small plate of coffee jelly. You both sat next to each other, and you took a glance at Kokomi and saw that she was smiling. It didn't seem like she had any, Hostile or bitter intent, though, people aren't who they seem. You felt that way towards Kuboyasu.

You took your fork to take a bite out of the dessert, until you heard Kusuo's voice in your head. 'You okay? you seem distressed..' "I'm fine." you thought to yourself so that Kusuo could hear. 'How did exams go?' He asked, "I't went great actually! better than I expected." Your conversation, kept going while the others had a total different conversation that you didn't pay attention to. You heard them saying something pertaining to a dead violinist.

Time went by and The school day finally ended, You were still on edge since Kokomi's comment and you couln't shake that off, so you decided to confront her. You waited at the front of the school for her to show up, and you could feel Kusuo's presence approching you from behind. 'You ready?' He asked you. "I'm gonna stay behind a little longer you can go ahead!" you told him. You could see his face slightly frown and he sigh a little but he went away anyway 'Stay safe, and call me when you get home' He spoke before he began to walk home.

You could see Kokomi in the distance walking towards the front of the school. you were finally gonna ask her about her very anomalous behavior. "Hey Y/n!" she smiled brightly with a wave. "Why isn't Saiki with you?"

"Oh Kusuo left already and i actually wanted to ask you something about that..." You spoke. Her eyebrows perked up and her expression lightly softened. "I'm open ears!" she smiled again. 'Does she not ever get angry, or concerned??' You thought before you opened your mouth to ask the question.

"Earlier today you said that you knew something about me and Kusuo, and i just wanted you to elaborate more." you told her. She kept her signature smile as she began to walk the opposite way of your house. "Follow me." she said, you following her footsteps.

You didn't know where she was taking you but you just watch her walk next to you as she were slightly in front. You guys kept walking until you guys ended up in a small park. She sat down on a bench that faced towards a small statue, you sat a few inches away on that same bench.

"So..." You began as you started tapping your fingers on your thighs. She stayed silent and looked at the statue with a smile on her face. "You and Saiki deserve each other." She finally spoke breaking the silence, catching you off guard.

"O-oh..." You spoke, confused on how she knows about you two. You were about to speak again until she started. "It was august sixth, on my birthday... I was walking around the city aimlessly as men approached me, who I rejected." She began.

You look up at her and started to listen to what she had to say. "It was when I saw Saiki on the opposite pavement, and I remembered having classes with him, but I didn't remember his name. So I approached him and tried to introduce myself."

"I'm used to guys always fawning over me because of how beautiful I am, so it was unexpected when he just bowed and went on about his day. Ever since then, I've been trying to get his attention, and I started to believe that he was my soulmate."

You couldn't believe it. The Kokomi Teruhashi, in love with Kusuo Saiki?? Saiki in love with anyone at all? That's even more freaky.

"That was until you came along, I didn't really think much about you until, you started getting Saiki's attention, and he started hanging with you more than anyone else. I got jealous... Because I was in love.."

"Then, all this stuff happened between, You and Aren... And Isaac came along. And then I began to realise that, what I was doing was very wrong, and you don't deserve a single thing you're going through. So I started with getting you out of the situation with Arena first, then I had to learn to accept that you and Saiki were getting closer, then putting Kanako in her place. Now I'm apologizing. Which I should've done earlier...."

"So what I'm saying is.... I'm sorry Y/n... And for now on, I'll help you, instead of going against you."



(words 1365)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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~ 𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓪𝓷 𝓔𝔁𝓬𝓮𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 ~ Kusuo Saiki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now