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time had passed and it was now time for lunch, i wasn't very hungry so i just decided to get myself a drink from the vending machine. i was standing in front of the vending machine choosing out my drink when a guy came over to me. "hey." he said as he leaned against the machine. "hi?" i answered back. "you new?" he asked me. "yeah." i awkwardly replied. "that's what i thought. i mean i at first just thought i never really noticed you before.." he started. "but you're just too damn pretty for me not to." he said with a smirk on his face. i didn't say anything i just choose out my drink and waited for it to come out. "so you're not gonna say anything huh?" he said and i just shrugged as i bent down to grab my drink. "what is there to say? i'm not interested." i said before i walked away.

i tried to find any empty table but all the tables were full. i was about to walk over to a table that just had three boys sitting at it to ask if i could sit with them but at the corner of my eye i saw moon waving for me to come over. i nodded as i walked past the table with the boys and over to moon, "hey lucia!" moon said. "hey." i replied. "you wanna sit with us?" moon asked me. "it's fine i don't wanna-" i started but i was cut off. "it's fine just sit." moon said and i sat down next to her. "guys, this is lucia." moon said as she introduced me to her friends. "this is yasmine." she said and a blonde girl looked over to me and fakely smile. "and this is sam." moon said and a brunette had waved and smiled at me but this time, i could tell it was genuine.

we were all just talking when yasmine interrupted us, "oh my god, you guys." she said and i looked over to her. "you see that guy over there who looks like he went down on a lawnmower?" she asked and we all looked over to the direction she was looking. she was looking over at the table of guys i was going to sit with earlier. i locked eyes with a guy in the middle of three who had a scar on his lip. he instantly tried to cover his scar and i honestly felt really bad. "he's literally wearing the ugliest sweater i've ever seen." yasmine continued and moon laughed. i looked over at her and she stopped, she knew it was wrong. "that is so wrong." sam had said. i wanted to say something but i just decided to bite my tongue.

fault - eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now