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everyone was in the back workout room, lifting weights and etc, i was using the weighted ropes, to be honest i had no idea what they were called but it was hell. i was distracted with the fact that i was exhausted when an argument started to break out, it was stopped by kreese though. "would you really like to know who did it?" kreese asked us. i nodded my head as i dropped the ropes to the ground. "it was hawk, and it was diaz, and robinson, and lucia. it was nichols, cubs, red." he said. "when one of you makes a move, you all make a move." kreese told everyone. "you live and you die with the consequences and the spoils. because you are all cobra kai." he said. everyone looked around, "main dojo, five minutes." kreese said, "you're about to begin your real training." he told everyone.

after class i was so hot, training has been hell these past few days. i got into my car and threw my bag in the back as i took off my robe top, leaving me in just my sports bra. i was sweating my ass off and besides it was just a sports bra. i took a big sip of my water bottle before i started my cra but just as i was about to pull out someone knocked on my window, i looked over and saw that it was hawk. i rolled the window down, "yeah?" i asked. "can you give me a ride home?" he asked me. "sure." i said before i unlocked my door, "get in." i said.

hawk had got into the car but just looked forward, not saying a thing. i pulled out of the parking spot before i started driving. "what's your adress?" i asked. he told me and i nodded before putting it into my gps. "so.." i said as i lightly tapped on the driving wheel. "lucia." he said. "yeah?" i responded. "i'm supposed to tell you this but- i just need to get this off my chest." he said and i nodded, "i was the one who destroyed myagi-do." he said. honestly i wasn't suprised, i kind of figured he did. "okay." i said and shrugged. "don't tell anyone, not even miguel." he said. "i won't." i answered non-chalantly. i turned onto his road, and we just drove in silence. i pulled up in front of his house, "bye." hawk said as he got out of the car. "bye." i said and waved as he walked inside. i then drove off.

fault - eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now