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demetri, eli, and i had hung out last night together and we were now friends. it was the next day and i had a free period so i decided to go to the library to study for an algebra test. when i had walked in i saw demetri, eli, and miguel. i saw eli look up at me so i just sweetly waved and went to sit down at a table not too far from them. 

i was finishing up writing when i heard loud voices. i looked up and saw kyler and his friends come up behind eli. kyler had put his hand on eli's shoulder. "run away from who?" i heard the loud boy say. "whom," i heard the other boy with curly blonde hair say. "it's the object of preposition. remember english class?" the boy said making me smile, trying to hold in a laugh. all the boys had stood up, hurriedly grabbing their things. "we were just leaving." miguel said as he grabbed his bookbag. i sat up in my seat causing the chair to squeak and for kyler to look over. "hey sweetie." he said with a smirk on your face. "shut up." i quietly said. "what was that?" kyler asked. "just leave them alone." i said, an annoyed expression came over my face. 

just as i said that eli had went to get up and leave when kyler turned away from me, grabbing eli's neck. "hey where are you going?" kyler said as eli stood uncomfortably in front of him. "oh look at this freak." the boy continued, i got out of my chair and stood up. "what kind of girl would ever kiss this shit." kyler said, miguel and demetri both just watched. "leave him alone kyler." miguel said, finally speaking up. kyler then pushed eli out of the way and started walking over to miguel. "what'd you say?" the boy said. i looked over to eli who was looking over at me, blushing- embarrassed. "you haven't had enough rhea?" kyler asked miguel as he pushed him. "yeah, get the hell out of here man." kyler told him as he roughly pushed his face away. eli looked back at me before he quickly started to walk away. 

demetri was walking away when kyler grabbed his bookbag and threw it into the garbage bin. "i just threw a yogurt in there.." demetri said as he stared at the garbage bin. "now it's double dib." kyler told the boy. demetri then reached into the garbage and pulled out his bookbag, gross, i thought to myself. demetri had hurried off and that was when i aggressively grabbed my things, stuffing them into my bookbag. i walked over and past the boys but i was stopped, "where do you think you're going?" kyler said and i turned around. "leaving." i answered. "i don't think so." kyler said as he creepily walked up to me. i just stood there, staring at him. "what are you even doing defending those losers?" he asked and i just glared at him. "their my friends asshole." i said before i turned around to leave. kyler had grabbed my arm though, causing my reflexes to kick in. i had slapped the boy in the face, hard. "leave me alone." i harshly said before i turned and walked away. 

fault - eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now