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after the tournament i had went home and was met with my mother sitting on the couch, she wore a bathrobe and slippers and looked extremely tired. "how was work?" i asked as i shut the front door behind me, locking it. "lucia." my mother said as she stood up, a wine glass in her hand, i guess she handed realised i was home. i kicked my shoes off before i walked over to her, my bookbag still on my back. "how did you do?" my mother asked me. "good but i ended up not winning, miguel did though." i told her. "awesome." my mom responded. "well i'm tired so i'm gonna head to bed." i told my mom. "shower." she said and pointed at me before sitting back down and taking another sip of her drink.

it was the next day and i had decided to go out with my friends for dinner as sort of a victory dinner thing. i sat next to demetri as hawk and moon sat on the other side of the booth. aisha was recording something for her instagram when we all cheersed our sodas, "it was supposed to be a round of drinks but the waitress was not feeling hawk's fake ID." the girl said. "hey, don't talk about that. my parents follow you." hawk told aisha. the girl turned back towards her phone, "sorry mr. and mrs.moskowitz." aisha said. "anyways, until next time. no mercy, bitches." she finished before sitting beside me, i squished into demetri who got annoyed. "geez lucia." he said. "shut up." i told the boy. 

demetri took a nacho, "i gotta say it's nice to be at a victory party." the boy said. he went to take a bite but hawk grabbed the nacho from his hands, "yeah, except you had nothing to do with the victory." hawk told demetri before eating the nacho. "then i consider it a belated party for the coding competition we won at computer camp. remember?" demetri asked hawk, i saw hawks facial expression soften. "demetri and eli, binary brothers." demetri sang as he did weird hand movements. "what is that." i said and laughed with the girls. "our dance." demetri answered and shrugged. "hey, cool it with the nerd shit huh?" i heard hawk whisper to demetri. "hey, where's miguel. those wings are getting cold." moon asked. "probably sulking about his ex." i said, not realizing what i said. 

we looked over and i saw miguel, "he's back there." i said and nodded towards the boys direction. "let's go talk to him." aisha said and i sighed. "alright." i replied. we all got up out of the booth, exculding demetri and moon who stayed back. "el serpiente there you are." hawk said as we walked up to the boy. "this is how you celebrate a first place trophy?" aisha said as hawk and her sat down, i stayed standing up as i leaned against the table. "she blocked me." miguel said, i was right, he was sulking about his ex. "so what happens when you get blocked? you counterpunch." hawk told miguel. "except maybe don't actually hit her this time." he continued and laughed, aisha and i both gave him a look, "what? too soon?" the boy asked. 

"look, all i'm saying is don't give up." hawk said, turning back to miguel. "it's no use. i blew any shot i had with her." miguel responded. "you know that's not true." i told the boy. "just give sam some time, she'll come around." aisha said. "or she won't." hawk said and i turned to face him. "you're the champ now. you can get any chick in the valley you want." he told miguel. "you're like drake. enjoy it." he said before walking away and back to moon and demetri. "sorry, he's kinda bad with advice but like aisha said, she'll come around." i told miguel as i got up. "hopefully." miguel replied. 

fault - eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now