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i was a little late to karate class today but luckily they had started late today. when i walked inside i saw kreese talking with aisha and hawk. i was already dressed into my robe so i didn't really gotta do nothing. i dropped my bag onto the floor against the wall and looked around the room, there were a bunch of new people. almost on cue, sensei lawrence came out from the back and said, "listen up! i see we've got some new recruits." he said before he started to walk over to the front of the classroom. "everybody, fall in." sensei lawrence instructed us and we all got into our spots. "in neat rows and lines." he told the new kids. "time to see what you're made of." sensei told us. he walked around the room as we all stood in our spots, looking forward. 

"straighten up, ginger twins." i heard him say. "sorry, parents can't stay for class." he told someone. "it's an insurance thing." sensei said. "i'm not a dad i.. i am here to kick some ass sir!" the person responded. "do i know you from somewhere?" sensei lawrence asked the man. "um yeah- the um- i sold you the mirror." the man said. "we kind of bonded, talked about rock bands." he said continueing. "look, you're a little old. this is a class for teenagers." sensei told the guy. "well i- i can take them." the guy told sensei. "i'm not afraid of kids sir." he said. "and my mom, she doesn't charge me rent, so i just- i got a lot of cash to burn." he said, trying to presuade sensei to let him stay as he pulled out some money. "yeah." sensei said taking the cash from the guy. "we'll consider this a trial run." he said before walking back to the front. 

sensei walked to the front, "i thought my last group of recruits was pathetic." he said. "but if you do what i tell you to do," sensei told us, well more specifically the newbies. "you'll at least have a chance of becoming a fighter." he told everyone. "but to do that, you gotta fight." i was a little distracted so i kept my focus onto the floor, "lucia!" sensei yelled and i looked up. "sorry sensei." i responded and took a deep breath as i threw my head back a little and looked at the man. "so, which one of you has the balls to take on the champ?" sensei said, returning to his lecture. no one said anything but just looked around at one another, seeing who would finally give in. "i'll take him on. " i heard a voice say.

that was when everyone moved, revealing a girl standing there. "i saw your little demo at valley fest." she said. "you guys can put on a show." sensei walked over to her, "can you actually fight?" she told us. "that sounds like a challange." sensei lawrence told the girl. "i like a challenge." she responded. "mr.diaz, show little miss hotshot here what cobra kai is all about." sensei said as he walked back to the front of the room. miguel bowed and everyone moved out of the way, as i was walking backwards i bumped into hawk and he grabbed onto my arms to keep me steady, "sorry." i whispered as i stood back, hawk didn't say a thing. 

"look are you sure that you wanna do-" miguel started but was interuppted when the girl kicked him back. "all right." miguel said as he regained his balance. "game on."

they both fought and miguel won, the girl was good though. "my name's miguel." miguel said as he got up and offered a hand to her. "tory." she said as she grabbed it but as she took it, she took miguel down. "with a "y" tory said as she held the boy down. 

fault - eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now