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after school i had ended up finding eli, demetri, and miguel outside the school. i quickly grabbed my bike that i had rode to school on and started to walk over to my friends. "hey!" i said causing them all to turn around. "listen- i just wanted to say i'm sorry about earlier with kyler." i told them. "we're used to it." demetri had told me and i slowly nodded. "oh okay well- i'm gonna get but i guess i'll see you guys tomorrow." i told them and they all nodded, i then got onto my bike and rode off. 

it was the next day and i had just gotten my lunch. "hey." i heard someone say, i turned around and was met with moon. "hey." i said with a smile as i started to walk into the cafeteria. "we haven't talked in a while, are you okay?" she asked. "yeah, sorry about that." i told her and she shrugged, "it's fine." moon replied and i nodded. "wanna sit with us?" she asked referring to her and her friends. "i'm actually gonna sit with some other friends if you don't mind." i told her and she just smiled, "it's fine." she said before walking away and over to her table.

i had sat down at the table where miguel, demetri, and eli had usually sat at but i was met with no one, i guess they hadn't gotten their lunches yet.

i was kind of just staring at my food when i heard yelling, i looked up and miguel and kyler were arguing. i just watched but suddenly a fight had broken out. "what th-" i started when miguel had been thrown forcefully against the table i was sitting at. i got up, grabbing my tray of food and frantically hurried away from the fight. i threw out my food and stood against the wall. 

miguel had ended up winning the fight but was rushed away by the counselor. "oh my god."

fault - eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now