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i was walking up to the dojo when i saw miguel and hawk harrasing these new kids, "enough boys." i said as i started to walk closer. "leave 'em alone." i told them before i opened the door and walking inside, not waiting for a response. 

when i walked inside i saw that some of the mirrors were broken, i wonder what happened. "what the hell happened here?" i heard miguel say from behind me. i turned around and both the boys stood there, i backed up a little. "Looks like sensei threw a party." aisha told us. "must've been pretty sick if fire got involved." hawk said as he looked over his shoulder, i hadn't realised but the wall was burned by the entrance. "quiet!" i heard sensei yell and we all turned his way. "the dojo is closed to new students today." sensei said as he walked to the newbies. "we wanted to sign up after we saw the tournament." one of the boys said. "do i need to say it again? get out!" sensei told them. "yes sir..sensei." the other kid responded. "come on let's go." he continued as he turned around with the others. "let's go move it. come back tomorrow." sensei told the kids who dissapointedly walked out. "and bring your checkbooks." he told them. 

"everyone fall in!" sensei said and we all got to our spots. "must've been a rager sensei." i heard hawk say. "were you celebrating all weekend?" miguel asked. "celebrating what?" sensei responded, seriously? "my students are a bunch of pussies." he said. i felt my eyebrows furrow as i looked at him, "diaz, hawk, lucia up front." he said and i groaned i saw sensei give me a look so i shut up. "hawk did you attack your opponent when your back was turned?" sensei said as he walked behind us. "yes sensei." hawk responded. "diaz, did you purposely attack your opponents injury?" sensei asked the boy. "yes sensei." miguel responded. "lucia, did you punch your opponent in the face?" sensei asked and i felt my face tense up, i wasn't proud of it. "yes sensei." i responded. "you think that makes you badass?" sensei asked us. the boys didn't respond and neither did i, "what's the matter? question to tough?" sensei asked. "maybe you need some help." he told us. 

"miss robinson!" sensei yelled. "yes sensei?" aisha responded. "two cobras in the jungle. one kills the strongest lion, the other kills a crippled monkey. which cobra do you wanna be?" he asked the girl. "the one that kills the lion sensei." aisha answered. "and why is that?" sensei asked. "because it killed a stronger animal." aisha said. "correct!" sensei yelled. "cobra kai is about being badass. and the baddest badass is the one who beats his opponent when he's at his strongest." sensei told everyone. "not when his back is turned." sensei said to hawk. "not when he's injured." sensei said to miguel. "and not when he's weak." he said to me. "is that understood?" sensei asked the class. "yes sensei." we all responded. "that means no more cheating. no more fighting dirty. from here on out, those are pussy moves, and you don't wanna be pussies do you?" sensei asked us. "no sensei." we responded. "good." he said. "it's why i had you wear your white belts we're starting over." he told us. "diaz, hawk, lucia, fifty pushups on your knuckles." he instructed us. "ms.robinson warm them up." sensei told aisha. "yes sensei." she responded. hawk, miguel and i all got onto the ground and started doing the pushups, i struggled but didn't fall down. 

fault - eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now