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i had just arrived at the dance and when i walked in was met with loud music and a bunch of people in varieties of costumes. i looked around and spotted the girls so i walked over, "hey!" sam said. "you look so good!" moon said. "i know." i joked and yasmine scoffed.

i was hanging out with the girls when i started to get bored, "wanna dance?" i asked. "ew no." yasmine responded. "sure." moon said and i nodded as i grabbed her hand and pulled her away. we both danced together and as i danced i had spotted the three boys form the table across from mine at lunch staring at us. "i'll be right back." i told moon and she just happily nodded.

i walked over to the three boys and they all just stared at me. "hey." i said. "h-hi." a boy dressed up as a skeleton said. "what are you guys?" i asked. "a skeleton." the boy said. "well- obviously." i said and smirked. "i'm miguel." he quickly said before i could ask the others what their costumes were. "and this is demetri and eli." he said as he pointed to the two. i nodded, "and you two are.." i asked. "a necromancer." demetri said and i nodded. "a plastic surgeon..i fix lips." eli said and i nodded and smiled. "cool." i said. "well i'm lucia." i said and they nodded. "well it was nice meeting you guys im gonna get back to my friend." i said and they nodded. "bye." i said and smiled. "bye." eli spoke up.

i had went back to the girls when i got a notification on my phone, "look." yasmine told me and i nodded. i turned my phone on and was met with a video of this girl eating some cheetos, she had a pig filter and their was a caption saying, "the buffet table is under attack!" i scoffed at the girls before i walked away.

i had went my own way and was just sitting down when i saw eli and demetri run out of the hallways, "what's wrong with you guys?" i asked. "nothing." demetri said. "we were just leaving." he said and i nodded. "wanna join?" he asked me and i nodded. "why not." i replied and got up, following the two boys who hurriedly ran out. 

fault - eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now