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we had all gotten into the rows correctly, all standing a little spaced out from one another. we had gone over the simple stuff and now were just practicing. "jab punch!" sensei instructed us. some people did it, but i didn't because i was just focusing on getting the right form in my legs, "nope wait 'till i say go." he told everyone. "hiyah!" he yelled and we all did it. "hiyah!" sensei repeated and we did it again. he continued to instruct us and i honestly wasn't doing too bad.

sensei had walked back over to the front of the dojo and looked over to eli, "hey lip!" he said and eli glanced up. "yeah, you." sensei harshly said. "the one with the freaky lip." he continued and i froze, was he kidding. "who do you think i'm talking to?" sensei told eli who just stood there. "excuse me, mr.lawrence." demetri said. "sensei lawrence!" aisha yelled at demetri and demetri and i both gave her a look. 

"you really shouldn't make fun of someone's physical appaerence." demetri told sensei. "oh, is that so?" sensei replied. "so i'm not mention his lip at all?" he continued, he was talking like eli wasn't standing right there. i looked over to eli and i could tell he was extremely uncomfortable. "well, yeah." demetri answered. "maybe that's what they teach you in school, but in the real world, you can't expect people to do what they're supposed to do." sensei replied. "you hear that lip? if you can't handle someone making fun of you, how are you gonna handle an elbow to the teeth?" he continued. "by calling the police." demetri said, 

"come on man." i quietly said, more to myself them to him. "knock it off." miguel told demetri who looked over at him. "what? he does realize the nazis lost the war, right?" demetri responded. "why should i be scared of him, because he's got a snake on his wall?" the boy continued, i was honestly starting to get really fed up. "it's not like he's a teacher who could give us a bad grade." he told everyone. "we're paying him." he pointed at us. "he works for us." he continued. "enough." i told him and everyone looked over at him, "you're seriously defending him?" demetri said. "no i-" i started to talk but was cut off by sensei walking towards demetri.

everyone backed up and it was just demetri and sensei in the center. "are you done?" the man asked demetri. "hit me." sensei instructed demetri. "go ahead, strike me. strike me right here." he told the boy. demetri then weakly punched the man, who just smoothly brushed it away. "harder." he told demetri. demetri stroke him again but sensei just hit the punch away, "is that all you got, princess?" he told the boy. demetri then tried to hit him harder but sensei had taken control, flipping demetri over. i walked a little closer, my arm brushing up against eli's. the boy didn't move but i could feel him stiffen up. sensei then got up and looked around the room, "let that be a lesson to all of you." he told us as he pointed at everyone. 

fault - eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now