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it was the first day of the school year for me, the second day for everyone else. this was going to be interesting...

i was wrong, it was boring as hell. the school day was horrible so when i went home it was nice. i was sitting on my bed as i finished up my homework and i got a notification on my phone. i paused and picked the phone up, my dad. 

dad: hey sweetie. you never got back to me. i saw on the news what happened to that kid in your school. were you friends with him? 

lucia: yeah i was

dad: oh i'm sorry that sucks

lucia: yeah

dad: i miss you

lucia: ok i gotta go bye

i was pissed off, he hasn't said that in over a year and he just randomly decides to say that. i stared at my phone for a second before i aggresively shut my laptop, pissed off.  

i got dressed and angrily drove to cobra kai's dojo. i walked inside and got into my spot. "hello lucia." kreese said at the front of the room. "you came just in time." he told me. i nodded as i looked at the ground. "weakness is unacceptable." kreese said, starting class. "the fight at school was an embarresment." he told everyone. "you lost soldiers and you lost the battle." kreese said. "but you will not lose again." he told everyone. "diaz was one of our own. what they did to him, they did to all of us." kreese said reffering to myagi-do. i hadn't talked to samantha these past few days. "and it will not go unanswered." he told everyone. "we will show no mercy, we will show no weakness, we will strike back and strike hard!" kreese said, strike first, strike hard, no mercy

"is that clear?" he asked everyone. "yes sensei!" we responded. "i can't hear you!" kreese yelled. "yes sensei!" we yelled back, louder. 

fault - eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now