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"from receda, returning to the tournament we have-" the announcer said. we all came marching out, "cobra kai! cobra kai! cobra kai! cobra kai! cobra kai! cobra kai! cobra kai! huh!" we all got into our places at the mat as people cheered for us. "now that's what i call an entrance!" the announcer said. "and a badass name for a dojo!" he said and i smirked. "let's hear it for cobra kai!" the announcer yelled and everyone shouted and clapped. "whoo! go hawk!" i heard moon yell and i could see hawk smiling. she waved at me and i smiled back before turning to face forward. "and finally fighting, unifiiliated from north hills we have mr. robby keene!" the announcer said. the boy ran passed us and to his spot, one boy, interesting.

"all right folks! get ready! it's karate time." the man announcing said before walking off.

i watched as everyone fought and finally it was hawks turn which mean't i was right after him. hr fought the man and got knocked back but suddenly he punched, and the oppenent had fallen, meaning he had won. i saw moon and demetri in the background cheering for him. "yeah!" hawk yelled as the referee guy stood beside him. hawk had ripped his robe off and thrown it to the ground as he flexed his muscles, oh my god. once he had gotten off the mats i walked passed him, sensei walked up beside me and patted me on the back. i went up and was met with a boy, "fight!" the referee yelled and we started fighting.

i had won and went back to everyone, "good job." hawk said. "thanks." i answered.

i was in the last six and i had to go against this girl. miguel had fought this boy beside me and won, it was my turn now. before i got onto the mat sensei had pulled me aside, "remember, no mercy." he said and i nodded. we both walked up to our sides of the mats and i got into stance. "fight!" the referee said. the girl and i both sent kicks and punches towards one another and i was honestly starting to get tired and i could tell the other girl was too. out of no where i felt this strength within me and i kicked her, she flew back and i had won.

the girl had gotten up and punched me in the face out of anger, i don't know what was wrong with me, i knew if i had just gone my own way it would've been fine but i didn't, anger overcame me and i grabbed the girls shoulder and punched her HARDER in the face. "enough!" the referee said and pulled me out of the fight. "both of you- disqualified." he said. i was such a fucking idiot. as i walked away i could see the girl facing me so i turned around a flipped her off and i could here some people gasp in the crowd.

i had walked back up to sensei and everyone and i could tell he was mad, "are you serious." the man said. "you could've won." he angrily spoke. "whatever." i replied and shrugged rudely before i stood back. i could tell hawk and miguel were looking at me but i didn't dare look back.

"next up, hawk versus keene." the announcer said. hawk and gotten onto the mat and i saw the boy walk beside up onto the mat. "something wrong sensei?" i heard hawk ask sensei lawrence. "no." sensei responded. "show him what you got." the man said. they both had gotten a point and robby had started to walk away when i saw hawk walk up to him and kick the boy down. "robby!" sensei yelled as he ran over to the boy. "illegal contact, you're disqualified!" the referee told hawk. "bullshit." hawk said angrily.

the last fight was between robby and miguel, i had wondered why sensei was so concerned about robby, i mean he was always saying no mercy but i decided to leave it alone. i watched the fight, the suspense between seeing if miguel or robby was stressful.

next thing i knew, robby was on the floor and miguel had won. we were all celebrating but sensei had run off to the kid, "what the fuck." i said quietly to myself. he was our sensei and he was going off to check on this kid.

sensei had eventually come back but seemed distant and not as excited. what was wrong with him?

fault - eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now