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as for punishment, we were all forced to do pushups until one of us confessed to destorying myagi-do. my muscles ached since we had been doing this for what felt like a million years. "this all could be over in an instant." sensei told us. "the descions yours!" he said. "who trashed the myagi dojo?" he asked us. "you know i'm not a fan of larusso's, but that sort of bullshit we don't teach here." sensei said. "at least not anymore." he said as he looked at kreese. "so, i'm gonna ask you again. who trashed myagi dojo?" he asked again. "it was not me sensei, i would never disprespect another man's dojo." one of the students said. "shut your cakehole, chubs." sensei harshly told the guy. "i'm not looking for excuses, i'm looking for answers." he told everyone. 

"come on man, we don't know who did it." i told sensei starting to get annoyed as i stood up. "somebody knows something." kreese said as i went back to doing the pushups. "question is..who's gonna break." he said as he looked at hawk, who just stood there for a second before going back to doing the pushups, what was going on? 

the phone in sensei's office started to ring, "keep going. we can do this all day." he told us. after a minute or two kreese let us have a two-minute break. i took a deep breathe as i stood up, tory looked over to me and gave me a dirty look. i responded with giving her back, she hate me for some reason, why? no clue but it was starting to get on my nerves. i walked past the girl and to the tables so i could get my water bottle. i took a big sip of the water as i stood up against the wall. i saw hawk go over to kreese, they exchanged some words before hawk walked away. i was starting to get the feeling i was wrong.

or was i?

fault - eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now