Chapter 20

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Trigger warning ⚠️⚠️⚠️


Nattarin's POV
I'm just scanning the previous files that was sent to me when i heard from Claire that the pictorial is over, so i stood up to ask Pas to go out for Lunch.
But when i open the door, Pui is still posing for the last photographs. She has a nice body, a very proportion sizes of chest, waist, and bum. She seductively stare at me.
Pas is still doing his work so i just left and decid to wait him in my office.
"Sir, can i take an early break?" Claire peeped on my door.
"Ofcourse, go .. I'll just wait for Pas he' about to finish," I winked at her and she just giggled.

"Ugh" i slumped my back on the swivel chair and closed my eyes.
After several minutes, i heard my door creaked open but i didn't bothered to open my eyes. I'll just wait for Pas to kiss me.
My nostril was filled with an unfamiliar scent. It's not a musky erotically pleasurable smell, but a sweet like honeydew scent.

I was shocked and pinned on my chair when Pui started to unbutton my shirt and nibble my ear. I pushed her away.
"What the fuck Pui, what are you doing?" i irritably glared at her. "Stop it, get out." i firmly uttered.
"Why? You don't miss me?" she continued gripping my hair while playing with my earlobes when all of a sudden the door of my office burst open and saw Pas, standing there, shocked, stunned, and frozen. I pushed Pui away from my lap and stood up.
"Pas it's not what you think," i tried to explain and stop him, his gaze was pinned on my unbuttoned chest.
"Geeez. sorry i didn't knocked. I'll go ahead, continue." he laughed awkwardly and closed the door forecefully, it followed a loud bang.
"Pas wait!" i shouted but he didn't looked at me. I turned to Pui.
"What the hell do you want?!" i exclaimed.
"Why are you angry? Why are you so affected that the head photographer saw us like this? Why?" she creased her forehead and waiting for my answer.
"What will my employees think when they find me with the model doing that? Are you out of your mind? My reputation is on the line Pui." I messed up my hair out of frustration. How will i'm going to explain to Pas that it's not what he think? He didn't give me the chance to clear my name.
"Oh come on, you can just fire them right away." she crossed her arms and sat on my chair.
"They are my family. You have no right to command me what to do, now get out." i'm trying to stop myself from yelling at her.
"But," she protested.
"I said get out! Get out of my sight! " there, i screamed, my voice echoed in the whole room. I saw how her face shifted from being arrogant to being scared. She stood up and rushed to the exit.

I went to the toilet and washed my face.
"Fuck you Nat. You're hurting him again. Why it seems that the author really love to play with us ." (A/N : Sorry beb )

I tried to call his cellphone but it's off.
"Hello Mitch? Have you seen Pas went out of the building?" i asked my receptionist.
"No Sir, why?" she replied on the other line.
"I thought he left, i can't find him anywhere. Call me if you spot him there, okay? Thank you." i then ended the call and proceeded to find him. Claire don't have any idea either.
"I know you're still in this building, but where." My heart pounded so hard when i saw people in publishing department rushing out.
"Call an ambulance!" the other one shouted.
I ran to where the chaos is,
"Pas!" i screamed.



Suppasit's POV


I've been crying like an idiot for a while now. I heard footsteps coming in and out but i remained silent in one of the cubicles. They just left after knowing that it's locked.
I turned my cellphone off, i know he will call me nonstop if it's on.
The deafening silence envelopes the whole toilet. I can't hear anything. Anything.
Good thing that our maintenance kept every toilets squeaky clean, i'm sitting on the floor while watching the ceiling blankly.
I let out a deep sigh, i took my wallet and stare at my parent's picture.
"Why i'm always hurting? why do i need to suffer like this? I always ended up crying like a little kid with bruised knees." I can't stop my tears from falling again. I banged my head on the wall, wishing and hoping to shook off the thoughts of Nat, the man whom i loved but i felt like he's been betraying me.
I can't think of anything that i did to him to make me suffer like this.
Am i really that blind because of love? Because i felt that he became my cure, he was my cure, I know. But now, the wounds that i expected to heal bleeds again. It kept on bleeding that the pain is truly unbearable already.
"Mother, i want to see you already. I want to be with you. with Father. I've been longing for the warm touch of your hands when i felt like i'm breaking down. When i'm sick. When i'm not being myself." i let my tears roll like stream from the corner of my eyes.

I closed my eyes, trying to imagine good things. But i can see the face of Pui, making out with Nat. They're kissing passionately, more passionate than my kisses. They're touching and rubbing their bodies, burning the ecstatic feeling, being lost in their euphoric world. Where there's only two them. I saw how Nat gently caressed Pui's soft body, placing her on the bed while showering her with kisses.

I can't. I can't think of anything now. I felt a bit more heavier inside. My chest seems like about to explode with the thought of that love making of Nat and Pui. I'm just hurting myself. I know it, but i cannot deny the fact that they have past, where they shared those kind of moments in bed together. Who am i? I'm just a mere photographer, being captured in his own camera lens, can't do anything but to see everything.

I saw a broken glass peeped on the top of the trash can.
I took it and intently looked, trying to figure out what glass is it.
"A broken mirror," i uttered and placed it on the floor.
I heard another footsteps entering, i don't know what department i am now but they just did their thing and left.
I took a deep breath, trying to exhale all the heavy baggage in my chest. But it just hurts. My throat hurts. my eyes are weary and tired.
I reached for the broken glass and pierced it on my arm. As deep as i can. I saw how blood gushed out, I don't know if it hit a vein but the blood flows like spring from the mountain.
I took the broken mirror out and cut vertically, giving me the view of white flesh being engulfed with red liquid oozing out.
I felt dizzy. My head spins and my vision gets a little blurry.
I stared at my severed hand and let the blood flow all over the floor before i passed out.



Nattarin's POV

Pas severely cut his arm. One of publishing employee saw the blood that trails into the space in between of the tiles, he kicked the door and found Pas blacked out.
I took my handkerchief and put pressure on his wounds, but the blood is still dripping. One of the employee took his necktie and tied Pas arms to somehow stop the blood flow.
I carried him in my arms and rushed to the lobby.
My white shirt is now stained by his blood. Other employees are calling the ambulance already. I saw Claire's face shocked when he spot Pas Hands on my shoulder, soaking it with his blood.
"What a stupid cunt," my heart is racing. "Please don't let go. Please," i whispered on his ears while running to the elevator.
Paramedics is already in the lobby when the elevator opened. They put Pas on the stretcher and rushed in the ambulance. I come with them, I didn't let go of his hand and i held it as tight as i could, while the medics applied proper pressure to stop his bleeding, they rushed him in the emergency room when we arrived.

I waited him outside, while his blood in my shirt starts to dry.
"Sir Nat!" Claire screamed when she saw me sitting outside of the ER, she followed me all the way here. "What happened?!" She asked worriedly. I just looked at her blankly, I'm on the brink of bursting my tears. I can feel the pain building in my throat.
"It's my fault. It's all my fault." I then break down in the arms of my secretary.
"It's my fault." I sobbed while she's stroking my back trying to calm me down ...
"I'm the one to blame." I cried heavily.
To be continued ...

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