Sword training

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"Come on Tanjiro, just a few more!"
Hikari shouted at Tanjiro

He had finally started training Tanjiros sword skills, currently he had Tanjiro doing simple practice swings against a wooden target, 5 sets of a hundred swings

"Good job"
Hikari congratulated Tanjiro as he finished his final set

"T-thank you sensei!"
Tanjiro said, he was covered in sweat and dirt after training for so long

Hikari analyzed Tanjiros current condition

'He's sweating a lot, but he's not out of breath, must be because of his breathing training, he doesn't seem to have any trouble staying balanced or stand for that matter, he's basically in perfect condition after all that, I started my training late so I can't compare my progress to his, but being practically fine after all that, isn't it insane'

"Well then Tanjiro, I want to ask you, what do you think the importance of this training was"
Hikari asked

"Muscle training, right sensei"
He responded

"That is part of it, having strong arm muscles make wielding a sword much easier, however that is not the only purpose of this training"

"It's not, but what else is there"
Tanjiro questioned slightly tilting his head

"There is a single philosophy that my breath style focus's on, 'the blade is only an extension of the welders body', a sword is a weapon forged from hot iron, it is not something that is a natural part of the body, however, a persons body can adapt, by using your sword for a long time your body will instinctively adapt to it, making you and your blade the same being, and then and only then do you gain the right to call yourself a swordsman"

"I see, but how does being one with my blade make me stronger, I'm not saying your wrong but... it really just sounds like philosophical gibberish to me, when I'm in a fight i can't rely on emotions and beliefs alone, that won't cut it, and I just can't see how this will help me"
Tanjiro said

"I understand your worries, to be honest when u first read this in the scroll I thought it was a bunch of crap as-well, however I was wrong, let's use demons for example, weaker demons are quite strong compared to the average human, however, with proper training almost anyone could take one out with little assistance, If any at all, but let's say they were to go up against a high level demon, one with a blood demon art, that ability is given to them naturally, to them it's the same as breathing, it's instinctive to be able to use it perfectly, if you compare the weaker demons who have no image ability and those with a blood demon art, it's obvious witch is stronger"

"So basically what your saying is?"
Tanjiro questioned

"The difference between being one with your blade and not is the same as having a blood demon art and not, it gives you a major boost against any opponent, movements become more natural, your stance will become sturdier, all because you have adapted to your blade, to be able to bring out 100% of its potential"

"Oooh, I understand Sensei!"

"Heh, good good, now then, I'd say that's good enough for today, take the rest of the day off"

"Eh, are you sure Sensei, I could probably keep going, at least for a little bit longer"

"That good, however we can't risk you overworking yourself, that will only counteract what we're trying to do, you must be patient"

"I see"
Said Tanjiro a little disappointed

"Come on, don't look like that, I'm heading over to the butterfly estate right now, tag along if you want, I'm sure your Friends would like to see you again"

Hearing this Tanjiros face instantly lit up, he quickly grabbed his sister and began to follow Hikari from behind


"Well, I'm heading over this way, I'm sure you can find your friends on your own, right"

"Yes, of course, I'll see you later sensei"
Said Tanjiro waving as he ran through the halls

"You shouldn't run through the hallways!"
Hikari called back only to fall on to def ears

With a small chuckle Finn turned around and began to walk in the other direction

He made his way down the hall to a single door

Slowly grabbing the handle and twisting it open, revealing a young women laying on a bed,

She had gotten quite frail after being in a coma for so long, even so, to Hikari, she was as beautiful as ever

"How have you been, Kanae"

(So, been a while since I've updated, sorry bout that, I never intended it to be so long, I just got way too engrossed into my AOT story, if you have checked out my conversations tab on my profile you might've seen me say this already, but I do intend on finishing this story, for now I'm still probably going to focus on my AOT story, but I'll try to bring a new chapter here every once in a while, once I complete that story, this will be my main focus, now I'm not sure how long it will take to finish, it could be within the next couple of weeks depending on how fast I write the chapters, but I'm expecting it to be quite soon, so I guess I can only thank you to those who have been waiting patiently, and say your wait will soon come to an end)

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