Hikari the Hashira

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"Huh!, I'll die by your hands, like hell I will, but out of respect for your tenacious spirit I will take you on with my full strength, technique deployment"

A snowflake like compass appeared beneath him as he got into a fighting stance

"Breath of sky seventh form: pierced heavens!"
Hikari launched forward and unleashed a barrage of stabs at Akaza however Hikari flew right passed akaza as he steed off to the side

'What the hell, I shouldn't be able to go that fast' Hikari thoaught to himself

"Breath of sky fifth form: stormy sky's"

Hikari turned around and attacked Akaza again however his attacks were sloppy so Akaza easily avoided him

'I can't hit him!'
Hikari yelled in his mind

"I see, well isn't this amusing, I heard the gist of what's going on from your conversation with your buddy Over there, you've lost your memories meaning your minds reverts backwards, but your body is that of the current you, your body is moving to fast for your mind to keep up, with the way you are now you are just dead wait, a useless piece of trash"
Akaza kicked Hikari away, Hikari caughed up blood and landed back beside Kyojiro

He said lying on his back

"Don't worry Hikari, leave this to me"
Kyojiro gave Hikari a smile and turned back to the demon

"It seems it's my turn"

"Breath of flame fifth form: flame tiger"

Rengoku attacked kyojiro who in turn launched his own barrage of punches, there attacks evenly matched, no one made an advance on the other, until kyojiro blade snapped at the pressure of akazas attacks, kyojiro jumped back so he wouldn't get hit by one of akazas punches

"For your blade to break so easily, it must be poorly made, why do you carry such crap around you should fight like a real man and use your fists kyojiro!"
Akaza said

"Unfortunately I cannot do that, I need the blade to take you down!"
Kyojiro responded

"Well then I guess I'll have to obliterate that worthless piece of junk until it can't even be called a blade!"

Akaza took the initiative and lunged at kyojiro

"Technique deployment: annihilation type"

Akaza has his fist ready to punch kyojiro, Kyojiro had time to dodge but he couldn't or akazas attack would go straight for Tanjiro and Hikari, so he did the only thing he could do in that situation

"Breath of flames ninth form: purgatory"

Rengoku held his broken blade high above his head and lunged towards akaza, he swung his blade down towards akaza, akaza started extending his fist to hit Kyojiro, this would be a battle of speed, whoever hit first wins, kyojiros attack was definitely faster, but he made one fatal mistake, he misjudged the length of his blade and his distance from akaza, his blade Neely slimed akazas face while his punch went strait through Kyojiros chest

Kyojiro caughed up blood as it dripped out of his mouth and on to akazas arm

"Pathetic, that's all you have, why didn't you dodge, so what if those weaklings get hurt, it's not your problem, it's there's for being weak"
Akaza once again tried to force his ideals on Kyojiro

"So what if someone is weak, being weak is a beautiful thing is something to be proud of, a weak person despite all there flaws can manage to survive a work such as this one despite all the dangers, they join together with other weak people and create amazing things, they become strong by working together with others just as weak as them, you who look down on the weak will one day be destroyed by those very weaklings if we don't take you out today"
Kyojiro dosnt give in to akazas image of weak and gives his own answer

"Your viewpoint is pethetic, but I guess there's no use trying to change it now"
Akaza pulled his hand from Rengoku chest

Rengoku dropped to his knees, he held his would and controlled his breathing to try and stop tho blood


Tanjiro and Hikari yelled worried

"Hahaha, you should stop yelling like that, he's going to die soon anyway, there's no point in making a big fuss over it"

"Shut up, you have no right to decide what matters or not"

Hikari stood up and put his hand on his katana, he got in a stance for a quick draw technique

'I need to suceed, if I fail this attack akaza could Finnish kyjiro off, I must not allow that to happen'

'Jeez Hikari, it hasn't even been half an hour since we parted and you already need my help again'
A females voice sounds in Hikaris head

'Kanae, how the hell are you here'
The world around him went completely black leaving only himself

'You'll understand soon'
A slightly transparent Kanae appeared in front of Hikari

'What the hell, I can see through you and how the hell are you floating! Are you okay!'
Hikari yelled at kanae

Kanae only put her finger to her lips shushing him

She floated closer to him and went right through him, like a gust of wind his cloths and hair got flew behind him, his eyes cleared up and his face became calm, a small tear in the corner of his eye

'I remember, tank you kanae'

'Your welcome, now go and save your friend'


Back in reality Akaza saw a change in Hikaris stance, it seemed perfect, as if he had reached the pinical of his swordsmanship, not only that but he had become much more calm, his breathing at a steady pace, eyes focused on his target, but most importantly, his battle spirit was strong, stronger then anything he had seen before

"Somethings different about you, I don't know what happened but I like it, come, let's have a battle to the death!"

"Breath of sky first form: beautiful blue sky"

In an instant Hikari was behind Akaza, Akaza head was barely hanging on to his body, it was tilted over onto his shoulder, he had a surprised look on his face

'I saw it! I knew it was coming! His battle spirit was so strong I knew his attack was coming! But I-I couldn't do anything to stop it'
Akaza thought to himself

"I apologize for showing you my weak self Akaza, but now I am at my strongest, I Hikari Rōzu the sky Hashira of the demon slayer corps will now defeat you"

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