Reunion, kinda

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(Authors P.O.V)

"I did it!, I crushed his soul, now I can dream"
The women said with a sadistic look on her face, the remaining half of the spiritual core shattered into dust

"Um, excuse me but I'm still hear"
Hikari said calmly raising his right and slightly

"Wah, but how, how are you still alive, you should be dead, your core is gone, you really are a monster aren't you!"
She says obviously in distress, she can't comprehend that Hikari is still alive after she destroyed his core, the fact that he is still alive means she will not be able to dream

"To be honest I don't know why this is happening either, we can only assume that wasn't my spiritual core Ms"
He said calmly, Hikari knew what the women tried to do to him, but he couldn't bring himself to hate her for it, he knew what rage and anger could do to someone, it can change the way they think entirely, it's not a good thing but it's nothing to blame them for, they are victims of the cruel thing called life

"You are half right Hikari"
Hikaris eyes widened at the voice behind him

"Oyakata-sama, how are you here!"
Hikari said and bowed, the women surprised at his actions

"There no need to bow, I'm not the real Kagaya Ubuyashiki anyway"
It was now Hikaris turn to be surprised, not the real Oyakata, then who is he

"I am a portion of your mind, or to put it in simple terms, I'm what you picture Kagaya Ubuyashiki to be"
The fake Oyakata said

"Then, what about Kanae, I heard her voice, is she line you or is she the real one!"
Hikari asked desperately

"She is like my, what you picture her to be in your mind, although because this is your mind she should not have been able to interfere with you when you were being deceived, she should have been under the spell aswell being a fraction of your mind"
Oyakata said, his voice sounded soft and calming, just like the real Oyakata

"Then what does that men, she was able to talk to me"
Hikari asked

"The real Kanae somehow connected to your soul and brought you back to your senses, for a moment became part of you and saved you from being destroyed, even though she's been trapped outside her own body, she is still trying to protect you"
The fake Oyakata said

"Then what about his spiritual core! Why is he still standing there when his soul is gone!"
The women yelled from the floor

"That is quite simple actually, when Hikari lost Kanae his emotions went rampent, his spiritual core couldn't handle all the emotions he felt and split in half releaseing his soul into the unconscious area, his soul then took on a new form outside the spiritual core, the very dojo you standing in"
He said

"Then, What I destroyed wasn't his spirit!"
She yelled at him

"I'm afraid not, what you destroyed was an empty husk of what Hikaris soul used to be"

"Well I understand what happened here, and now that it's resolved I need to wake up, Oyakata-sama how would I do that"
Hikari asked

"This is may be a blood demon art but it is still a dream, What is a common way of a dream ending"
Hikaris eyes widen

"I see"
Hikari draws his blade and holds it out so the tip is pointing strait at his stomach

"Well, Mind Oyakata-sama even though your still in a way me it was good to see you"

Hikari said looking at his version of Oyakata

"Yes, it's good to see you asw- Hikari"
Oyakata morphed into Kanae

Hikari stoped his blade and ran up to her

"It's you right, it's the real you"
He said his voice trembling as he's trying to hold back a tear

"Hai, Hikari, it's been a while hasn't it"

"Yeah, but how are you here, this is my unconscious area"

"When I went into a coma, my soul was separated from my body, it wouldn't let me back in, so I've stayed with you this entire time, I've always been with you I've seen everything, I'm sorry for the pain I caused you I'm truly sorry"
She said as she started to cry aswell

"It's okay, it's not your fault it's not your fault, I'm fine now, everything's fine...uh"
Hikari comforted Kanae but then he got a worried look on his face

"What's wrong Hikari"
She asked

"When you said you saw everything do you mean everything everything"

"Hai, why"
She said tilting her head confused

"So you saw my co- con- confes-"

"Your confession of love to me, yes, I'm quit happy you feel that way"
She says with a bright smile

'Ahhhhhhhh this is so embarrassing, I just blurted it out back then without thinking, what the hell I should of waited till she was awake, it could have been so much better'
Hikari screamed internally

"I'm in your mind you know, I can tell what your thinking"
She said


"Don't swear"

"Shiitake mushrooms"


"I swear to you, when you wake up I'll confess in the most romantic way posible!"
Hikari said confidently pointing to her with a big blush on his face

"Ara ara, I'm looking forward to it"
She said and leaned closer to him
She went on her tip toes ent pulled his head closer to hers as she kissed his forhead

"I'll be waking up soon, I can feel my soul being drawn back to my body, I doubt I'll remember anything that happened though"
She said

"I see, well then Kanae, I'm off"
Hikari took his sword and pierced his stomach, blood flew out his back, he gave the blade a twist and his vision went black

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