Heart to Heart

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(Tanjiro P.O.V)
After The Hikari guy left I was sent to the Kocho-sans house, the butterfly estate to Recover I have been here for a few weeks with Zenitsu and Inosuke and we have been doing the recovery training, I have also started trying to master total concentration constant.

One thing I noticed during my stay here is that the Sky pillar, Hikari Rōzu comes over a lot, he gives his greetings to the occupants of the estate but always goes into a room at the end of the hallway and doesn't come out for a while, I wonder what he does in there, I'm not sure if I should ask him because I think he hates me because of Nezuko

"Is something bothering you Tanjiro-kun"a voice apeared behind me from behind

"Aaah S-Shinobu-san"
I say startled

"Hai that's me, are you alright"

"Yes I was just wondering what The sky pillar does every time he comes here, is there something special in that room" I ask

"I see, he used to live here with us before he became a pillar so he comes to visit all the time"
She answered

"I see, but what about the room"

"Someone very important to him is in there"
She tells me

"Oh, I apologize I shouldn't be prying into his personal life"
I say relishing what she was saying, he probably has a very sick friend in there it would be rude to ask about them

"Don't worry about it I'm sure he won't mind"

"I see, well I'm going to get back to my training, see you later Shinobu-san" I say and run away waving at her

I go out to the veranda and sit cross legged and start to practice total concentration breathing

"Slow down your breaths your being to forceful"
A male voice said behind me

'This smell'

I turn around to see none other than Hikari Rōzu himeself this time with a crow sitting on his shoulder

"Total concentration is about having full focus if your breaths are not calm neither will your mind, you will lose focus easily" he finished his sentence

"Ah yes thank you"I said quickly
I was shocked that he would even talk to me i thought he was angry at me but now he smelled kind, his smell reminded of my fathers

"Do you mind if I sit"
He asked

"N-not at all sir"
I stuttered out still a bit nervous I remeber how scary he was at the meeting he might smell kind now but his image is scared into my mind

"geez don't call me sir it makes me feel old, just call me Hikari

"Hai Hikari-san"

"I would like to apologize to you"
He said looking down at his feet

"No no you don't have to everything's over now"
I try to stop him

"That may be true but I still tried to condemn your innocent sister, she may be a demon but she is on our side, for that I apologize"
He said bowing to me

"Please don't apologize I completely understand why you did what you did, but there is something I don't understand"

"And What is that, I could explain it to you if I know the answer"

"Why did you accept Nezuko so soon after the meeting, I heard what you said there, all demons must die"
I asked him

"Ah I guess I did say that, and I truly did believe that then, but than I remembered what someone important to me said, she wanted to find a way for humans and demons to co-exist, I had completely given up on that dream when she was put into a coma because of a demon, but seeing your sister made me realize that her dream may still be possible,
You and your sister are proof that her words weren't just some fantasy"
He said he looked happy when he talked about her

"Could that person be the one you always come to visit"

"Yes, did Shinobu tell you bout her"

"Yeah, not much just that she was someone special to you"
I told him

"Haha special, that's an understatement she is my reason for living, the reason I get up in the morning, the reason I draw my sword"

My eye widen as I listen to his words he smelled so happy as he kept talking about her

"Well I'll let you continue your training, if you ever need help you can ask me, I leave in the big estate just west of hear, it's not far, although I doubt Shinobu will let you leave for a while, try to survive k"

"Hai Hikari-san"
I said watching him leave
I guess he wasn't such a scary person I'm glad we came to an understanding

(Hikari P.O.V)

I was walking out of the estate when Shinobu talked to me

"Why don't you stay a while it's been so long since the last time you had dinner with us"
She said

"I guess could I don't have anything to take care of anyway, Kurohane could you tell the servants at the estate I won't be home tonight"
I ask the bird

"Caw Hai Caw"
Was all it said and flew away

"Well then I'll go say hi to the girls are you coming along or do you have work to do"

"I'll come there probably with Zenitsu and Inosuke in the training hall"

"Zenitsu and Inosuke, they are Tanjiros companions right"


"I see, I guess I'll inteoduce myself,
Let's go"
I said and started walking toward the training hall as she followed behind

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