Week long training

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We had just finished are warm up when Kanroji asked me

"Rōzu sensei shouldn't you get changed into something better than that"

I looked down realizing I still hadn't gotten ready for the day

"I-it doesn't matter right now I'm a sensei I can't let something like and outfit affect my teaching"

"Hai sensei!" She says with admiration in her eyes

"Okay let's see what you got can you demonstrate your breathing technique for me"


I stood off to the side and watched

"Breath of flame first form: unknowing fire"

I squinted my eyes as I noticed she had trouble with it but I let her continue until she had demonstrated all forms one through nine

"From what I see you are quite good with the breath of flame but I don't think you can go any further than you are now"

I see a shocked look on her face

"Now I'm not saying this is the end, all I'm saying is your not fit for the style you were taught I went through the same thing, twice, one was even a style I made myself ha ha ha"

She asked a surprised look on her face now

"Ya what you have to do now is find something suited for you or make one yourself"

"M-make one myself"

"Ya I did so why can't you"
I say

"I'll give you some advice think of something you can do that gives you and advantage over others and try making something that will bring that one thing to its fullest potential"

"I see I'll try sensei" she says happily

"Good. Well I'm going to get changed and do some training myself you work on that for now if you need any help come ask me"
I say and walk away

(Mitsuri P.O.V)

'So I just have to make my own breath style that's easy enough,
Ok so what's and advantage I have'

'I CAN EAT A LOT I'll call it breath of gluttony I love food so much'

After a while I figured that won't work what did sensei do he said he went through this twice maybe I should ask him but he just left I don't want to disturb him already
Ok ok let's see what advantages do I have what what wha- aah I know

(Hikari P.O.V)

It was like this for the next couple of days she ask me for help a couple of times but she wanted to keep it a secret and surprise me when she's done

I just Finished a lengthy training session and I was surprised that Kanroji didn't come ask for my help I was expecting her to be skilled but I still thought she would need help developing her own breath style then again I didn't need help either so I guess I was underestimating her

I walked out to the courtyard where she was working and so her with a rope in hand dancing around expertly using it as if it were a weapon

"So this is what you decided on"
I say

She yells and falls down surprised

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