Hikari the KINOE?

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(Rengoku P.O.V)

What a strange dream I had, it was nice but alas all good things must come to an end, I quite enjoyed spending time with my younger brother, it's something I can't do often because of my Hashira duties

I woke to see demon flesh eating away at the passengers on the train, I fought them off leaving the passengers unharmed, I look to see Hikari still in a few sleep

"Well, he deserves a good rest!, I'll take it from here!"

I go through the next few cars fighting of the demon flesh I make it to the one Kamado was in, he was in front of me fighting them off, I suspect the others are doing the same

"So this is what happened when I was dozing off! I can't believe it! Some Hashira I am! If there was a hole I would hide in it!"
I say

The train hit something bouncing the cart I Kamado and I were in up in the air

I see Kamado flailing in the air so I bounce of the roof towards him landing beside him


He shouts surprised

"I cut quite a lot of the demons flesh so I believe it will take a while to regenerate!... But there's no time to spare so I'll make it quick! The train has eight carts, I'll defend the back five! The yellow haired boy and Nezuko will defend the remaining three! Leaving you and Boar head boy to Find the Head!"
I instruct him

"It's head! But right know the demon is-"

"Listen Kamado as long as it's a demon it will have a weak point! I'll look for it aswell as I fight! Now go!"
I speed away to protect the others on the train

It wasn't to difficult to deal with, although the flesh probably Eli he's to a moon demon it wasn't as strong as the normal ones, it was probably a lower moon that just recently gained its power, I didn't fight for long when the train started fllailing around, the flesh started growing and twitching

"The must of taken out its neck, wonderful! Brilliant!"

Let's go see how there doing
I go outside the train to see Kamado on the ground with a stab wound, it wasn't anything to bad but it will definitely be problematic if the bleeding isn't stopped, eh his breathing, he using total concentration

"I'm impressed Kamado! You can use total concentration!"


"But that's just the first step of a thousand to becoming a hashira!"

"I'll do my best"
He says with confidence

"Your stomachs bleeding, concentrate tour breathing more, focus on every inch of your body, you have broken blood vessels"

Kamado is trying but is obviously struggling

"Concentrate more"
He breaths more and gains control of his breath

"There, that's it, that's, Hemostasis, now stop the bleeding"

He struggles but manages to succeed

"There you did it! There's a lot you can accomplish by mastering your breathing, it won't make you invincible but it will make you much stronger than you were the day before!"

He says in an exhausted tone

"Well you did it, a lot of injuries but no deaths! Everyone is safe!"

"I'm glad, what about Hikari-san, where is he"
Tanjiro asked

"He's still in the dream, he should wake up soon now that the demon was killed"

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