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"That Tengen did What!!?"
Hikari shouts angrily, after another two months of training with Tanjiro, he left on a solo mission, one the he determined was a bit to dangerous for tanjiro in his current state, and he comes home to find hes been taken by Tengen of all people!

"He tried to Kidnap Naho and I, in the end he took Tanjiro and his friends with him"
Aoi explained, her eyes were slightly red from crying

"That little turd sucker... Where'd he go!?"
Hikari asked angrily

"Uh... th-the r-re-"
Aoi tried to say where but couldn't get the words out

"Huh, here, just whisper it into my ear"
Hikari said calming down and bending down to her level

His face instantly scrunched up back into one of anger

'The red light district huh? He must have a death wish if he took my Tsuguko there without my permission... I'll kill him'

"I'm heading out"
Hikari said stomping away

"W-wait! Is that really okay! Since your a pillar shouldn't you get Oyakata-samas Permission?"
Aoi asked but he never answered, he had already run away

'I'm finally here... what a disgusting place full of degenerates... I need to find that brain damaged narcissist fast!'

Hikari jumped up onto the roofs and began to search through the whole red light district, he knew it would probably be hard to find him, Tengen being an Ex shinobi, and as much as Hikari hated to admit it, a damn good one to boot, Tengen would definitely be laying low trying to stay out of sight, and since Hikari has no knowledge of shinobi techniques, it would be very difficult to find where he was

"Yo, I didn't call for you... what's my favourite subordinate Hikari doing here!"

Hikari quickly Jumped away hearing someone's voice behind him, He instinctively reached for his blades handle ready to draw if necessary

Spoke Hikari after seeing who it was

"Just the narcissist I was looking for... and I'm not your subordinate"

"Hikari... how can you be so rude to your friend and leader by calling him a narcissist, I am no such thing, I am the Ruler of flamboyance! The god of festivities!"
He said with a dramatic pose

"You're so embarrassing"
Hikari said in a dull tone looking away facepalming

"Crap, I'm not here to listen to your damn god complex, Where's my Tsuguko!? Don't just take my student without permission! Who do you think you are!?"

"Me?... I'm the ruler of flamboyance! The god o-"

"You said that already shut up, where's Tanjiro and his buddy's"
Asked Hikari Annoyed

"Oh... i sold them off just yesterday, to bad I couldn't get much for them... they make horrible women"
Tengen said bringing his hand to his face, acting as if a great tragedy had befallen him

"...You did what?"

"Sold them"




"You better have a good explanation for this"
Threatened Hikari, his hand firmly griping the hilt of his sword

"I see... as much as I hate to say it... it would be too risky to pull them out now... the only thing I can do is wait for them to finish there part of the mission and hope for there safety..."
Spoke Hikari after hearing Tengen explanation

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